#bestie goals mj
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With Thunder Comes Lightning
Summery: Peter and MJ tried again, but the spark wasn't there; they stay as friends to raise their soon-to-be daughter. Everything was going great until evil goop and a spooky vampire guy fall out of an orange portal. Little does Peter know that the biggest pain in his ass and future mutant best friend has landed right at his feet.
art by @gryphll
Chapter 4 - Appointment
Doctor appointments weren't MJ's favourite thing. She had a phobia of needles and other medical garbage. The smell of sterile stuff made her ill.
Of course, Peter has to be the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. For her safety, MJ had their new buddy.
"It's just a checkup. Everything's going to be fine," MJ told herself, biting her lower lip. "I don't feel fine. Ok. Can I have some encouragement?"
"I've never been to a hospital, so I can't accurately assure your safety," Miguel stated, the coldness of it concerning her. "I'll kill whoever comes too close. Does that help?"
"You're trying. That's helpful enough, tough guy."
"I suspect you're infantilising me."
"I have a baby growing in me. Everyone is an infant to me now. And you're, y'know, a decade younger than me."
His little grumble was cute.
MJ might not know how to make a portal watch or swing webs, but she could see when someone was hurt.
The entire situation hurt her best friend; Peter was a good man with a titanic heart, and it weighed heavily on him. She wanted to hug and tell him it was ok, but she couldn't lie to his face. She didn't know how this would turn out.
He cried himself to sleep last night. He was grieving the loss of his friends alone. He tended to put himself on an island when in pain, not wanting to put the burden on others. It was a selfless part of him she used to love, but now she worried.
Her best friend was in pain, as was her new friend.
"Is there anything that they can do here to help you?" MJ asked, her blue eyes wandering up to meet those dark sunglasses.
"There's nothing to help in my universe. I doubt it'll be any different here."
"You never know. They might have something for those allergies and the light thing."
"Hmm, that sounds like self-harm."
"It's not undeserved."
"What is it with Spidermen and being all self-sacrificing?"
"We have the power to do something. We can do enough to make a significant change. By sacrificing ourselves, the people we protect can rest in peace. That's what it means to be Spiderman."
"Almost sounds like a quote."
"It was. From the Spiderman of my universe before me."
He was from the future, but MJ didn't even consider there might have been a previous Spiderman. Was it like Peter and Miles?
It's exciting learning about other universes.
"What was he like? The one before you?"
"I never met him. He died long, long before I came to be. When Klyntarus ruled our universe, there weren't any heroes or anybody with the power to do something - I'm... still alone on that front. But he was a good man from what I understand."
At least Peter had co-workers, allies and friends.
She was sad knowing that Peter had died there. All of the other heroes, too. It wouldn't be surprising if Klyntarus had something to do with that.
It's sweet that he was inspired by the original Spiderman, though.
He's right, though. If you can make a change for the better, you should.
The creed of Spiderman is to put others before yourself; it's a heavy burden but an honourable one. She respected it.
"I'm glad that he inspired you."
MJ didn't like the smell of the hospital entrance. It was messy, sterile and also tainted with puke. Thankfully, she wasn't alone in her disgust.
"Oh, mierda. Huele como una morgue horneada," he hissed, cringing.
"No idea what you said, tough guy, but agreed."
She didn't enjoy having to sign in. The receptionists weren't interested in being helpful, mostly ignoring MJ. They only started to pay attention when Miguel growled; it reminded MJ of a pissed-off cane corso.
Having a giant buff Latino vampire proved helpful. He's like a bodyguard, scaring people into listening to her. She used to do that for Peter when people ignored him for being a nerd.
She loves nerds. They've got so many interests and know many intriguing things. They can never bore you.
With the giant having kidnapped their attention, MJ was finally able to get things moving. All they had to do now was linger in the cesspool of stench until her doctor could be assed.
MJ's not happy about sitting on a warm chair surrounded by sick people, all looking as pleased as her.
She hates hospitals.
"How's your first hospital visit?"
Although MJ didn't have spidey sense, she had bullshit sense, courtesy of being a little redhead spitfire. She could detect something akin to one of those space wizards in those movies that Peter enjoyed.
There is a foulness in the force.
With some scouring, MJ spotted the source of the foulness. It was a woman glowering at her and her friend, paler than carved marble; she must be anaemic.
MJ's been around long enough to see one of those people.
She's not standing for it. She might be eight months pregnant and a shorty, but MJ had a spider's spirit.
Hopefully, she could distract him from that witch.
"If it's not rude for me to ask, is Nueva a Spanish version of new york?"
"No. It was destroyed in the calamity of 2038 and was rebuilt by Hector Nueva, soon named after him. I'm just Mexican. A little Irish, too."
"You're a damn big leprechaun."
"Very funny. I'm more like a Chupacabra, anyway."
"And here I thought you didn't like vampires."
"I don't. Vampires suck. Chupacabras are cool."
"They do suck."
"You're worse than Parker."
"I take that as a compliment, thank you."
Peter will feel much better knowing that she's not alone. She's got a buddy guard to protect her from any ominous sludge.
All Miguel has to do is sit in the corner and be spooky.
She was due measurements, weighing, blood pressure, a quick ultrasound, and possibly a pelvic exam - she hated those. It's so awkward and invasive.
While MJ should want nobody else in the room, she doesn't get a pervy vibe from Miguel. He didn't react when she came out of the shower, not bothered or even interested. He didn't have a single care about that sort of thing.
Her bullshit sense often intertwines with her gaydar. He's not straight; she knew that much. If she were a gambler, MJ would put her money on asexual.
Does he know what that is? She might ask later.
"We need to leave."
"Wait, is it him? Is he coming?" MJ questioned.
She was scared of being too close to that monster. It's hurt her friends so much, and she hasn't even seen it.
MJ didn't get to ask more as a roar echoed from outside.
Before she knew what was happening, she was facing the pale ceiling, bright orange webbing keeping her there. Several other people were up as well, but not her surprise roommate.
A suited Miguel was beneath her in the waiting room, his hands gripping the thick horn of nonother than Aleksei Sytsevich, also known as the Rhino.
Something was wrong, though. His thick hide was burned and scorched, ooze dripping and refusing to mix with his blood.
His face, usually mixed with rage and bloodlust, was full of fear and anguish. Most of his face was gone, reduced to burned bone. He only had a single eye, but she doubted he could see from it.
"Помогите мне кто-нибудь!" Rhino roared, his voice bloodcurdling and terrified. "Обжигает! Обжигает!"
MJ didn't understand Russian, but she knew he was in agony.
A black sludge ripped from his spine, red eyes scowling at Miguel.
"2099! What a coincidence! Such a little universe, hmm?" Klyntarus cackled, forcing Rhino to push forward. "Such weak little bodies. Can you imagine how it feels to be a flame sailing a sea of kerosene?"
"Eres toda mía, perra mocosa!"
"I look forward to you trying."
She winced as Rhino cried again, begging for help that couldn't come.
Klyntarus rammed into Miguel again, pushing him through the empty reception desk. People were running in panic, terrified.
MJ scrambled for her phone, texting Peter as quickly as she could. As soon as he realised she was there, it would go to ultimate shit.
Pick up your damn phone, Parker!
Peter hopped past Morbius' claws, finding them far less impressive than Miguel's. Honestly, the vamp had nothing on Peter's roommate.
He didn't have Miguel's power or claws; even Miguel's fangs were much more intimidating. The red of his eyes had much more potency than Morbius'.
"You are depriving some village of their idiot!" Morbius sneered, trying to pierce Peter.
"And Twilight is missing one of its vamps!"
Peter jumped on the ledge of a balcony, cracking his aching back.
He wasn't sure how to feel about Morbius now. He was somewhat interested at the beginning. After ten years, though? it got old.
At this point, Morbius was the villain of the week.
Weirdly, he felt like a knockoff compared to his fellow spider. He didn't have the same energy or vibe.
He can't put it into words exactly, but compared to Miguel, Morbius is nothing.
"That movie is an insult to what makes vampires so-"
"-Lame?" Peter finished, uninterested. "Are you going to sparkle now?"
"Insolent brat!"
"I'm almost forty, dude."
"You're younger than me, so you're a brat!"
Man, so this is how Miguel felt.
He's still going to annoy him over being younger. What friend would Peter be if he didn't?
When Morbius pounced, Peter jumped onto a nearby roof, feeling his cracked phone buzz. He should ignore it, given he's fighting a "mighty" foe, but his senses demand otherwise.
Peter looked at his phone, seeing a missed call from MJ. Was she done with her appointment already? That was quick!
The text, however, told him otherwise.
Fuck Peter with a salty menorah. He's there.
"I've got a thing. Debate movies with you later, Mikey!"
"Darn you, Spiderman!"
He wasted no chance racing towards the hospital, and police were already surrounding the chaos. He landed upon a police car, fear dancing in his bones.
Peter's spidey senses were screaming to run away, but he couldn't. His friends and baby were in there.
As expected, Jameson was still kicking, talking to news cameras, no doubt blaming Peter for this, somehow. He's glad he quit working for that asshole; it was such a toxic environment.
Whatever, he's too old to care about what Jameson's whining about.
Peter swung inside, smelling the rot already. He's here alright. It disgusted him that Klyntarus was attacking a hospital, but he was already vile; Peter shouldn't be shocked at his evil.
There were glowing, orange webs on the ceiling where MJ's text said she'd been. He couldn't see her anywhere, so he would have to go looking. The trail of bloody melted viscera and rot was a good indicator.
The hospital looked like something out of a horror movie; it was decayed, in ruin. It's been infected by Klyntarus.
He was scared that he would find her and hurt them. He was terrified of being a father but even more afraid of losing his child.
Fuck, how can Miguel cope with losing his daughter? Peter hadn't even met his kid and was scared for them.
Peter crept through the ruins, cautiously stepping over suspicious mounds that stank of death. He relied on his spidey senses, but they were overwhelmed by that monster's presence.
Something big had barrelled through the hospital, almost like a torpedo or tank. It would take ages to fix this place up if that were even possible.
Klyntarus destroyed everything around him. It's likely that wherever he goes, it's inhospitable.
He saw some glowing web, a sign of his teammate. He followed it, finding a deep hole that ran so far down that Peter couldn't see the bottom. It appeared to reach the under levels of the hospital; there should only be a basement, though.
Another buzz from his damaged phone - a text!
Peter stared at it, analysing the three dancing dots that eventually became a message. His heart was tachycardic with worry and fear.
The older Spiderman ran, looking at the fading numbers on the doors he passed. He paused at 16B, the one that MJ's number indicated. Despite knowing it could be a trap, Peter broke the door open, scouring the room.
MJ was sitting beside a gurney. She was in shock, afraid and alone.
A recently deceased young man lay not far from her. He was horrifically burned, and most of his left leg was reduced to sludge. He died slowly; Peter knew that as soon as he spotted him.
He quickly came to his best friend's side, checking her for injuries.
"He had Rhino's body," MJ whimpered, shaking from the ordeal. "He was crying for help, Peter. Rhino. He was in agony."
That explained why the hospital had a giant hole in it.
"Come on, let's get out of here," Peter said, bridal carrying his close friend. "Are you hurt anywhere?"
"No. No, Miguel distracted him so we could run out. Something went wrong, though. The bodies didn't stay -"
Peter twisted to the deceased man, who was now sitting up, black fluid running from his orifices. His eyes were empty, devoid of life, but something was in there, puppeteering him.
He was close to tightening his grip but knew it'd hurt MJ. He wouldn't do that to her.
She clung to his body, hiding her face in his chest.
"He will reign long, and your friend will be far too gone!" the corpse cackled, rotting at an astonishing rate. He melted to bones before Peter's eyes. Not even his clothes survived the rot.
As cryptic as that was, Peter knew what it was implying.
Peter had to get MJ outside first, however.
He made his way out of the hospital, feeling that fear fade with each step. The further from Klyntarus he was, the more confident he felt.
Did Klyntarus' very presence rot your soul? It seemed so.
"Keep her safe," Peter ordered a surprised and confused police officer, turning back towards the building. "And don't let anybody else inside. I mean it."
"It's the same thing that killed those heroes, isn't it?" the officer said, removing her jacket to cover MJ. "Don't die in there, Spiderman."
"I don't plan on it."
He couldn't make any promises.
So, fear growing in his chest, Peter returned to the leftover Walking Dead set. He wouldn't be shocked to find Rick Grimes' room where he was somehow untouched in a coma for a year.
That entire show was a fever dream; he was sure of it. After Glenn died, the only fun left was, ironically, Negan. He'll have to make Miguel watch that.
When he arrived at the suspicious hole, Peter jumped. His knees complained when he landed, cracking in all the wrong and unsatisfying ways.
The fear of Klyntarus was far more potent than before, suffocating Peter in an aura of fear and death.
He's not looking for that thing, though.
Peter quickly spotted the entrance to a tunnel that shouldn't exist.
Rhino's body lay mangled and twisted at the entrance like a macabre decoration. Instead of being melted, it looked like a savage beast and tore the poor bastard apart. He didn't want to be on the backside of whatever caused that.
He walked down the tunnels, listening out for his friend.
His senses went off, sending a tingle down his spine. He turned around, annoyed to see Morbius had followed him.
"Not the time, Count Lame-ula. Ugh, that sounded better in my head. Whatever, could you go and haunt some little kid's birthday party? I'm in the middle of something."
"What horrors could have created such strife?" Morbius asked, both in awe and horrified by the situation.
"An extradimensional genocidal evil Symbiote that decays whatever he touches. You should go before you eats you, too."
"I don't believe you."
"I don't care."
"You're trying to deceive me!"
"Not everything is about you!"
"Fool! I am the reincarnation of the great Count Dracula!"
"Sure, and I'm the reincarnation of Link - see my little fairy, Navi? We're on our way to rescue Zelda," Peter sighed, rolling his eyes behind his mask. "Just go bother someone else, alright?"
Vampires suck.
Peter paused, feeling something else was down here. It wasn't Klyntarus, but it felt similar and yet distinct. He could feel it was nearby and dangerous, but not the precise position.
That "something" was coming and fast.
Of course, Morbius acted like a child and attempted to attack Peter while distracted. He wouldn't get the chance to get close, however.
A blur of red and dark pounced upon Morbius before he could reach Peter, his senses screaming at him to run. He couldn't see what it was but could hear the rabid rage and terrified cries.
Peter webbed the mysterious form and pulled it away from Michael, hearing a dog-like grunt of annoyance and frustration.
A pair of deep, red eyes stared back at Peter. They were similar to Klyntarus'; they had his unique shade, but Klyntarus didn't have pupils or irises. The eye shape was far too human to be Klyntarus, even if he tried to make a human body.
The eyes were what Peter was focused on at first, but then he saw what the rest of the red was.
A suit.
"Miguel?" Peter questioned, realising what, or rather who, he was looking at.
His pupils were so thin they were almost non-existent. He was shaking, breathing heavily and hunched over, foamy drool dripping onto the ground.
While Miguel didn't exist to Peter's spidey sense, this did. It wasn't the same as Klyntarus, but it was similar enough.
Miguel was swallowing air. It's like he was in a scary trance, trapped far away.
His claws were out, ready to scratch something that wasn't there. His fingers were shaking so much.
Peter felt like he was looking at a werewolf, pure instinct and consciousness battling for control, and the former was dominant.
Morbius shifted into shadows, reforming behind "Miguel". It was a stupid idea, for Miguel turned and bit Morbius' arm.
Having seen what it could do to Klyntarus, Peter grabbed his friend. The stupid villain was clawing at Miguel's face, trying to make him let go. Glowing blue was dripping from Morbius' arm - the venom was already being delivered.
"Get it off me!" Morbius yelled, turning his vampiric claws to Miguel's neck. He wouldn't let go, eyes staring at something that wasn't there.
It was clear Miguel wasn't there. He couldn't hear Peter, stuck in this bizarre and scary trance.
An idea came to Peter.
He took out his phone and turned on the flashlight, shining it directly into Miguel's eyes.
The trance version of his friend yowled, letting go to cover his eyes. While Morbius had left deep scratches on his face, the photophobia forced him to let go.
Morbius stumbled back, his arm shaking horribly.
Ignoring the vampire, Peter grabbed Miguel's shoulders, trying to figure out what was happening.
His "buddy" dropped his arms loosely, glowering towards Peter, but it didn't seem directed at him.
"It's me. It's Peter, alright?" Peter said, trying to get through to him. "How about we sit down? Does that sound good?"
He knew Miguel was much more powerful than him, but Peter's faster. If he needed to, Peter could stick to the walls or ceiling.
Encouraging his distant friend to sit down, Peter watched him, paying attention to his eyes.
Without any stimulation, he watched the redness in his eyes fade. When the red left, some awareness returned, replaced by confusion.
"What happened?" Peter asked, glancing at the groaning Morbius still clutching his arm.
"Había mucho ruido," Miguel muttered, rubbing his eyes. "He tried to take me. Estúpido bastardo."
The corpse's warning.
Did Klyntarus trigger a flight or fight response, only instead of Miles' invisibility, Miguel went rabid? It could've been a PTSD thing, too.
"Where's MJ?"
"She's safe," Peter said, feeling Klyntarus' presence growing. "We need to go."
Peter grabbed the taller man's side, feeling his broken ribs. That never seemed to stop him.
"I can move."
"I don't doubt that, but you still seem out of it."
The possession attempt had an impact, as he was still spaced out. It was like he was stoned or drunk.
"Happens sometimes," his friend grunted, a noise that did things Peter wished it didn't. "I didn't hurt you?"
"No. All I'm hurting from is arthritis."
"I always hurt someone..."
He didn't like hearing the sadness and regret there. And Peter couldn't say that he hadn't. He attacked Morbius and must've killed Rhino, though that seemed to be a mercy.
Peter scowled at Morbius' body, watching "his" head tilt. While Peter was focused on Miguel, he didn't even realise Morbius got snatched.
He didn't like the guy, but Morbius didn't deserve that fate.
The kidnapped body was already starting to decay.
"I'm going to take everything from you, Peter. I'll break you in ways you didn't think could be broken. And I'll have him, too," Klyntarus vowed, tilting Morbius' head too far to the right. "I'll let you play with my toy for now. It'll make it all the easier to break him after I've shredded your soul."
"What's to stop me from walking over there and ripping you out of there?"
"Because you're like all the other Parkers I've eaten. You don't kill, even when you want to. You won't kill me while I'm in someone's body. It's cowardice I thankfully bred out of my true body." His friend hissed, but it only made Klyntarus smile. "You've come so far from the fragile ball of flesh I ripped from that whore wetback."
Peter can't kill. It's his greatest strength and his weakness. How is he meant to beat something that'll only stop if it's destroyed?
He needed to get Miguel out of here and look after MJ. He had to find somewhere safe for her to stay.
Regardless of how his friend felt, they needed help. They were going to get the X-Men for backup.
"Until I find a more suitable temporary vessel, Parker. Farewell."
Peter shot a web at Morbius' possessed body, but he vanished into shadow.
Another day where he could've done something but didn't have the balls. That was a theme he was getting angry at.
"Maldito cobarde."
"Yeah, to whatever you said, pal."
Xavier's going to have a field day over this.
Special thanks to spider-the-bat for the borders!
#ao3 refugee#ao3 might be fucked#ao3fic#peter b parker#miguel o'hara#peter b parker x miguel o'hara#spiderdads#klyntarus#symbiotes#mj watson#bestie goals mj#across the spider verse#spiderman atsv#attempted spanish#plague of the spiderverse series#with thunder comes lightning
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my mj | esteban ocon x fem! reader
summary; esteban just wants no way home spoilers from his very own mj
fc; zendaya
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03
note; requested !
masterlist !
⋆ ��。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

liked by estebanocon, francisca.cgomes, and others !
yourusername: 🖤
estebanocon: WOW😍😍😍😍 liked by yourusername !
estebanocon: share some no way home spoilers w me ?😇
yourusername: estie you ask me this everyday and my answer is still NO😊
estebanocon: why do u hate ur bf sm 😢
yourusername: i’m not gonna spoil the entire movie for u….
estebanocon: fine 🙄🙄
username: if i was dating THE y/n i’d also be begging for spoilers 😭
username: ATEEEE
username: 😍😍😍
username: mother is MOTHERINGG
username: this press tour is abt to EAT😫
francisca.cgomes: what a beauty 😍😍😍
yourusername: kikaaa🥹🫶
pierregasly: kika wants to know the ending! how about sharing??😁😁
yourusername: give pierre his phone back, esteban!
pierregasly: dammit - esteban
username:the hair, the dress, MISS Y/N ALWAYS SERVESSSS😫😫
username: whatta woman
username: wow im so gay
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
yourusername uploaded to their story !

[caption 1; what i deal w on a daily basis] [caption 2; got him his burger, don’t worry everybody 🤗🤗]
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

liked by yourusername, mickschumacher, and others !
estebanocon: my mj, je t’aime❤️😍 ( even if you refuse to make me happy by telling me the ending of no way home before everyone else… )
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: i love youuu💞
estebanocon: liar you don’t love me
yourusername: i’m not spoiling no way home🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
estebanocon: you’re dating a guy w a love for spiderman and you refuse to spoil it for him??💔
yourusername: exactly !
username: poor guy tries so hard😭😭😭😭😭
username: MY PARENTS😭❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
username: she’s everything he’s just estie bestie
username: she’s gorgeous omg
username: goals
username: i love them ur honor ☹️☹️☹️
username: the way she still looks good😔😔
mickschumacher: yourusername he’s trying to steal my phone again
yourusername: esteban….
estebanocon: stop lying on my name in front of the bad bitches (y/n) mickschumacher
username: LMAOOOOO
#formula one x reader#f1 x reader#f1 smau#f1 scenario#formula one scenarios#f1 imagine#formula one imagines#formula one imagine#f1 scenarios#esteban ocon smau#esteban ocon scenarios#esteban ocon x reader#esteban ocon imagine
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ok besties, i'm planning to make a major arcana tarot card collection for the THG, but I need some help because 1. i'm kinda stumped and 2. I havent finished TBOSAS so maybe area i'm missing have characters that suit them well. Anyway I'd love some feed back to bounce some ideas around. I don't mind if some characters are used more than once, but Im trying to limit to 2 cards per character.
The Fool (Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit); Effie Trinket. The unaware, optimistic character of the fool, feels fitting for Effie. As for most of the series, she goes around somewhat unaware of the hurdles and dangers that lie before her towards the end of the trilogy.
The Magician (Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action): Cinna (and Portia??). The magician manifests his goals into the real world. This feels self explanitory.
High Priestess: (Intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine, the subconscious mind) UNDECIDED. But I am leaning towards either Mrs. Everdeen or Finnick Odair. The High Priestess provides deep intuitive understanding and awareness via hidden/secret information. These are the two characters that a lowkey guide us throught Katniss' inner state. Finnick does it more openingly in the story, but its through her mother and her failings that we true see and understand Katniss' character.
The Hierophant: (Spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition,institutions) UNDECIDED. But maybe Plutarch or Caeser Flickerman? As they both have a hand in imparting knowledge (from a higher authority) to the people via their platform. Oh maybe I can use them post. One to represent the Heirophant upright, and the other to represent it do downright. Reversed, it represents Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo, which I think aligns more with Plutarch.
The Empress: (Femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance) UNDECIDED. I'm so torn. This feels like a good fit for Katniss, BUT I already have plans for her in the other cards and I want other characters to have representation. My other picks are Lucy Gray and Prim/Rue, but like I said I haven't finished TBOSAS yet. lol
The Emperor: (Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure) It's Snow. lmao
Lovers: (Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices) Of course. It's Everlark
The Chariot: ( Control, willpower, success, action, determination) Alma Coin. Feels very fitting considers that the rebels one and she tried to take full control afterwards.
Strength: (Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion) Prim and Rue? But Johanna feels like a good fit too.
Hermit: (Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance) Haymitch Abernathy ))))):
Wheel of Fortune: The reaping bowl.
Justice: Gale Hawthorne
The Hanged Man: (Pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives) UNDECIDED. I'm kinda torn between Peeta, Prim, Johanna and Cinna for this. The Hanged Man is the card of ultimate surrender, martydom and sacrifice for the greater good. Katniss would also be a good pick too.
Death: (Endings, change, transformation, transition) 74th Games bloodbath?
Temperance: (Balance, moderation, patience, purpose) Finnick Odair. The Temperance card is stabilize you with patience and moderation, not force or resistance. It's fitting for a character who was helping Katniss ground herself during Mockingjay.
The Devil: (Shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality) MJ Johanna feels fitting for this. Not because she's the evil, but because she's kind of represents the dark and more negative side of Katniss. As she engages in Katniss' worst habits, such as anger and isolation. And would choose short term gratification and the expense of long term prosperity. But Snow (as the symbol of the capitol) would fit as well. Which is like duuuuh
The Tower: (Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening) Blowing up the 75th Arena or maybe the Capitol bombs??
Star: (Hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality) It's the boy with the bread! Peeta. Originally I was going to give him the Sun, but I felt like Primrose fit better over there. The star brings hope, love and purpose after great turmoil and challenges. And its fitting that Katniss' lover is the star in the sky that guides her.
The Moon: (Illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition) Katniss! This is Katniss. All her main motivations in the story are fueled by these factors.
The Sun: (Positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality) Primrose. The sun card radiates optimism and positivity. Which is fitting for someone who brings so much warmth into Katniss' life.
Judgement: The Mockingjay
The World: (Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel) Toast Babies. Children and children death and suffering. Are the core subjects of the book. The toast babies exists represent the wholeness and achieve of everyone Katniss and the rest of Panem has to suffer to end the games.
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hi! welcome to the always online au!
for anyone who was into the hype of parkner back in late 2019/the early quarantine days, this might be a little bit familiar to you. basically, this is a social media au for marvel that i created when getting into parkner and thompsborn and when one of the main wlw ships was mj/shuri. it consisted of screenshots of (obviously fake) social media accounts (mainly twitter) of some of the marvel characters and it was mostly shitposting with a tiny hint of a plot. however, because of the mental health kick that came with quarantine, i ended up deleting the account while in a depression drop.
it’s been over 3 years and i honestly miss making this au, as it was just fun and gave me something to do, and a few days ago i realized that i still have the apps i used when i originally made this au and all of the fake tweets and messages were still on them, so… well.
basically, i decided to bring it back!
so, if you don’t remember or never saw this au when it was originally happening, you might have some questions! under the cut is a very basic q&a:
what is the always online au about?
nothing! also everything! like i said, it was entirely a shitpost account that very vaguely had a plot, but it was 100% just something i did in my free time for fun!
it’s essentially me throwing my sense of humor in a box with ships and characters that i like and then violently shaking it until something that i find funny comes out and then i would post it !!
ships and characters? which ones?
like i mentioned above, i made this during like the late 2019-2020 era of parkner hype, so, obviously, it was mainly parkner (peter parker/harley keener) BUT it also features many other marvel ships! i am going to be changing the ships up a bit to better match my current preferences. i’ll include a list of ships below this paragraph, but first, this is also going to include PLENTY of platonic/familial dynamics as well! so if you love stucky, sorry they aren’t dating in this but they are obviously besties, and there’s irondad, stuff like that, okay? i’ll try to include it all!
parkner (peter parker/harley keener)
ironhusbands (tony stark/james rhodes)
gwemj (gwen stacy/michelle jones)
peppermay (pepper potts/may parker)
sambucky (sam wilson/bucky barnes)
thompsborn (harry osborn/flash thompson)
nedbetty (ned leeds/betty brant)
thorbruce (thor/bruce banner)
and more that i will add to this list as i figure them out! suggestions are more than welcome!
characters include everyone in the above mentioned ships (obviously lol) as well as any and all marvel/mcu characters that feel relevant to include! such as:
happy hogan
the guardians of the galaxy
matt, foggy and karen from daredevil
funny accounts for villains
norman osborn (ew)
loki (and maybe mobius? maybe include that ship too? i haven’t watched loki season 2 yet so we’ll see i guess lmao)
and more! again, i am open to suggestions!
if anyone has ideas for characters, ships, or dynamics to include, feel free to message me or send an ask!!
how often should i expect updates?
that one is kind of tricky, because i am an adult with a full time job who is also balancing hobbies and family and everything all at the same time. this is something that i’ll try to work on during my free time, and when i did this before it wasn’t hard to make updates once i figured out what i wanted to do for them, but still, my free time kind of depends on the day and the week.
i’m not going to commit to a strict schedule, but i don’t work weekends so my goal is to update every weekend! if i miss a weekend, i’ll try to get it posted during the week, and if i have a week with extra free time, i’ll do some additional posts as well.
i’ll do my best to be regular with it!!
anything else i should know?
yes! this is an ongoing creative project that i’m doing for fun, and i want it to be fun for anyone and everyone who may come across it! that means i want it to be interactive!! this is something i did before, as well.
for instance, when i was running this au in 2019/2020, someone sent an ask wanting to see harley finding out about the vulture after him and peter start dating, so i answered the ask with this:
obviously this au isn’t picking up from where the old one left off, so those tweets are not considered canon to the current always online au, BUT that’s just an example! i want people to feel free to send in asks and questions for the characters or for situations, and i will do my best to make it fit into the canon of the au!!
i think that’s it?
if anyone has any additional questions, comments, or concerns they would like me to address, feel free to send them in! i’m going to try to get the first update of this au posted today (october 17, 2023) but no promises! if not today, it WILL be up tomorrow!
once the official au is being posted, i’m also going to create a pinned post that links to this one as well as all the au updates and anything else necessary to include (like the tagging system i’m going to create and things like that) so that will be posted shortly after the first update is out! for now, thank you for reading!
i hope to see you guys always online ;)
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Y’all ever though Jacob was “cringe” because all attention was directed to Tom and Z? All the questions were focused on them, all the camera time was focused on them—even all the interviews we’ve seen has basically just been them and Ned was a main character until it shifted towards MJ and Peter’s story. These actors don’t get paid for movie promotion, he probably thought “what’s the point?” And decided he was gonna act weird up until the third movie. But again, we don’t actually know cause we weren’t there and we’re not their friends
Naaa I just think that's just how he is girl lol 😆 😂
Look, let's be honest, Jacob was just happy (and basically LUCKY) to be there lol. 😅 I really don't think he was thinking all that deeply about it lol.
Tbh they could have just done interviews with TZ alone for FFH, but since I suspect they were either already broken up by that point or super close to it (it's obvious when you look back that they were having issues), maybe the studios didn't force them to do interviews alone together for that tour for that reason. Who knows?
IF Jacob's main goal is to be a serious actor, he would have been smart to take his job seriously.... no matter who was getting the attention. He has to know that he's already limited in getting parts/roles in Hollywood just simply due to a few factors (short, bald, was overweight, no real acting experience or training), so imo, that's not the time to slack off. Sometimes, you just need to work with what you've got. There's a place for everyone in Hollywood... although limited for some. The Rock, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, etc... they all used to do other things and are now pretty well-established actors even despite their very distinct looks.
I personally never got the impression JB was ever jealous of the attention that TZ received, but I can see him getting kinda tired of fans trying to use him to get more info on Tomdaya or Tom. 🙄 That would get annoying for ANYONE I feel.
Yet, at the same time, I kinda always got the impression that he sort of liked the attention he was getting, and would kind of play into the fact that he was close to Tom and Zendaya. I'm just being honest. 🤷🏾♀️ #realtalk
Over time, I just think he was basically wanting to kind of divorce himself a little bit from the "trio" and be his own person (which is smart!). But being jealous?? Naaahhh.... I just don't see that. He and TZ may not be besties, but they're def close friends imo. It's hard to feel jealousy towards someone you truly love imo. Love is not jealous....
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Peter making his New Years resolution to finally tell you how he feels and if all goes well be the best boyfriend he can 💕
Peter normally never did New Years resolutions. He thought they were pointless since no one ever stuck with them and he liked himself and didn’t think there was much to change.
Except this year there was something that definitely needed to change. His feelings for you. He needed to tell you how he felt before someone else took your heart.
“My goal is to spend less money on video games. My mom told me I should probably start saving for college and other, and I quote, fun things.” Ned told peter as they were at liz’s house for a party.
“Yeah that’s great ned,” he couldn’t help but to stare at you that night in your new sparkly black top that made you slightly insecure and your matching skirt. “Should I ask (y/n) out?” He watched as you handed MJ a soda.
“I think you definitely should because you didn’t hear a word I said. Make it the goal for 2020. You guys are already besties and she likes you back obviously.” He told peter and he nodded as he kept on staring. How you laughed when you put on goofy glasses and a hat for a photo. You angelic you were.
Now he crawled into your bedroom to help you get started on watching all the Star Wars movies. He thought maybe this was his chance.
“Peter!” You yelp as you see him on your bed. You knew about Spider-Man for about a month and everything he did still shocked you. “You’ve gotta make a noise when you do that.” You sigh as you place your hand over your heart.
“Sorry!” He gets comfortable in your bed. You crawl in after him and he’s so thankful for the spidey senses. Your scent of lavender and vanilla body wash stong and calming against his nose.
“It’s fine.” You shake your head and take some popcorn you’ve already made. “So you’ve gotta remind me how this works. You said it goes backwards? Why would they do that? Which ones the one with Natalie Portman? And Han Solo is dating Princess Leia? Or are they married? And what happens to Luke—“ your rambles are nothing to his ears.
All he can focus on is how soft you look, you’re curled up in your thrifted college hoodie that you were so happy to find, the oils you put on your face that you swore got you clear skin made you glisten. You had to be his, he wanted nothing more than to take care of you.
“Can I tell you something?” He asked out of nowhere. You stop talking and look at him in shock. “I like you. I like you a lot. And I think the way you wear your hair is gorgeous and when you get excited about coffee I can’t help but to melt and I can’t see myself with anyone else. I tried but failed. I like you so so much and it’s okay if you don’t like me back but that’s my goal for 2020. To tell you I like you, finally.” It was like word vomit. All word vomit. Everything just spilt out and was now out there.
“Peter?” You hold his shaking hands and he can’t make eye contact. He’s too nervous. “I really like you too.” You smile and it’s like you’ve lit up his whole world. He looks up at you and you lean into kiss him. It’s quick, you have no idea how to kiss but you do it to him.
You didn’t even care about star wars anymore. The movie was irrelevant to you but hearing peter explain everything and get excited made your heart explode in love. All the years of waiting for your best friend to love you was finally worth it.
#kats blurbs#peter parker imagine#peter parker fluff#peter parker x reader#peter parker fan fic#peter parker fan fiction#peter parker fic#imagine peter parker
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2019 Russian Nationals Preview
In which deciding to do our previews alphabetically seemed like a much better idea before we got here and half the ladies have a last name starting with “S”. We have quite a few questions going into this event and are looking forward to getting at least some of them answered. Who will win the National title? Who will make it to Winter Universiade, the World Championships of the second tier? Can Russian ice dance, our favorite beautiful trashfire, keep up this resurgence or will we run this train right back off the rails? Will there be any YouTube videos left or will your trusty mods have to get increasingly descriptive? Let's find out!
Sofia Evodkimova/ Egor Bazin
Age: 22/23
Started Skating Together: 2007
Season's Best: 168.31
Rhythm Dance: Not sure the two halves of this Come Together
Free Dance: Nocturne + Sarabande Feat. Badass Cantilever Lifts
Evodkimova/Bazin are a testament to what grit and perseverance will get you. Never the most decorated or celebrated of juniors, they've hung in there to get a number of international assignments as their more decorated fellows dropped behind them and/or gave up entirely. They're unlikely to be in the running for the Euros team, but luckily for all the young dance teams here, this is one of the years Winter Universiade is held, and in Russia to boot. They lost their international head to heads with both Shpilevaya/Smirnov and Skoptcova/Aleshin earlier this season, but have a tendency to sneak their way up the standings when you least expect it. They finished a solid fourth at Rostelecom Cup, their first GP event since 2016 and the second of their career. We're not entirely sold on their rhythm dance, as we've made our stance on the use of a second rhythm clear, but they have fun with and they have a great lift in the first half. The free dance is better for them, starting out with the softer lyrical that's so popular, but with great lifts and transitioning into a more dramatic second half, ending in a choreographic lift that perfectly utilizes the climax of the music. They're not the most hyped team, but they're always solid, and could place higher here than you might expect.
Annabelle Morozov/ Andrei Bagin
Age: 17/22
Started Skating Together: 2017
Season's Best: 151.55
Rhythm Dance: Nepotism Tango
Free Dance: A 97 in the Land of Golden Spin
It's hard to know quite what to say about these two. Despite our qualms regarding much of their career choices, like why they decided to make their international debut at a grand prix event or why Annabelle went straight to seniors in ice dance, they've been doing about as well as you could expect. They have some genuinely nice qualities-- they're a tall, leggy team, they're fairly expressive and she in particular gives good face, they have solid spin positions and lifts, and while not the steadiest, their twizzles are big and fast, and the besti squat transition into them in the free dance is quite nice. Andrei's partnering is solid as well, helping Annabelle transition smoothly to ice dance. They just really lack the technical skills. It's not just that they struggle with hitting their levels, a number of top teams do as well, but for Morozov/Bagin a level 2 step sequence is a great day for them, rather than a disappointment. While a lot of programs are more open these days, with this team it's clear it's a necessity rather than a stylistic choice. What they should be looking for here are just two solid performances, with none of their characteristic bobbles, and maybe a level or two. Their scores are behind the other teams, but have been improving surprisingly rapidly. And even if they don't beat their competition for Winter Universiade outright, this team seems to find ways to end up on competition entry lists regardless.
Betina Popova/ Sergey Mozgov
Age: 22/23
Started Skating Together: 2016
Season's Best: 170.47
Rhythm Dance: All Face, None TES
Free Dance: All Face, None TES 2: Electric Boogaloo
This is one team you can never accuse of being boring. Their programs are perfectly choreographed to their strengths, with fantastic lifts that don't get enough credit, creative transitions, and a performance style that would work just as well in an arena three times bigger. If Russian Nationals could just be these two performing everyone else’s programs, it would be significantly more entertaining and far less stressful. Surprisingly enough, Popova/Mozgov are still one of the newest teams in this field, and it certainly seems like these two were meant to skate together. Betina has always been a dynamite performer and Sergey has really stepped up the past two season. They had a phenomenal nationals debut last year ranking third in the free dance, and while that will be a much tougher order to fill this season, they do have making the Winter Universiade team on their goals list. Hitting their levels will be important, as will striving for high GOEs. They have some of the most innovative and difficult lifts in ice dance right now, and while they aren’t always the smoothest and most polished, they’ve cleaned them up a lot since the start of the season but their GOE has yet to reflect that. Popova/Mozgov have talked about how skating for the crowd is the most important thing for them, and if there’s a team that can find an audience anywhere with any material it’s these two.
Anastasia Shpilevaya/ Grigory Smirnov
Age: 19/21
Started Skating Together: 2012
Season's Best: 167.94
Rhythm Dance: In which Nastya is way beyond just double jointed
Free Dance: Just like, four times as many joints as is reasonable or necessary
The 2016 Youth Olympic Champions and 2017 Junior National Champions have had a rough year, through no fault of their own. After their fourth place finish at 2017 Junior Worlds they seemed like they were on their way up, but injury and required surgery later that fall ended their junior career on a whimper after just one competition. It also gave them some troubles in getting their senior career started, as they are the only team featured in this write-up that has yet to make their senior GP debut. A good placement here and earning a berth to Winter Universiade will be essential for them. They're a young team, and small in stature, and so don't generate quite the same level of power and ice coverage of some of the other teams here, but make up for it in other ways. They use her incredible flexibility to create amazing elements and interesting transitions, and their twizzles are absolutely top notch. They've always been entertainers and the tango is nice for them, letting them display their drama as well as their leg kicks which almost makes you forget how short they are. Their free dance is modern without being soft, and establishes itself as being completely different from anyone else's program right off the bat, and not just because no one else can get their elbows to do that. They've struggled some with levels in the past, but at their best they're more than capable of contending for that top 5 and a place on the National Team.
Victoria Sinitsina/ Nikita Katsalapov
Age: 23/27
Started Skating Together: 2014
Season's Best: 201.37
Rhythm Dance: What Goes Around Doesn't Quite Come Around
Free Dance: Bach in Business
If you tried to count on the fingers of both hands how many times this team has been written off over the past four years, you'd have enough, but only barely. Fresh off a silver medal at their first GPF as a team, they'll be looking to follow that up with their first National title. Sinitsina/Katsalapov have been in this position before-- three years ago they were leading Bobrova/Soloviev in the short dance by four points, only to blow their lead in the free with their then-characteristic errors. This season they've been rock solid, skating under immense pressure in tough fields, saving elements, getting strong levels, and recovering from minor early bobbles like champions with nerves of steel. They're not quite the performers that their rivals Stepanova/Bukin are, and their programs are decidedly more traditional. We think this works better in their tango which is just stunningly choreographed and danced by these two, whereas their free dance can sometimes come off a little stale, particularly in the first three quarters before it comes alive in that final minute. However both programs are strong vehicles for their skating that the judges have responded well to. The big thing they'll want here is to get their rotations on their lift in the rhythm dance, which is the only place in that program where they've struggled with levels, generally doing well on the pattern that has tripped up so many teams this year. If they can nail both programs, they stand a good chance of winning their first national title.
Anastasia Skoptcova/ Kirill Aleshin
Age: 18/21
Started Skating Together: 2013
Season's Best: 179.78
Rhythm Dance: Who isn’t Maria de Buenos Aires
Free Dance: Not the MJ Medley You Might Expect
The reigning Junior World champions had a bit of a rough start to the season, with her ankle injury delaying preparations and forcing them to make their senior debut at Skate Canada. Their rhythm dance came together pretty quickly, and as expected is a great vehicle for them after having won junior worlds with a tango free dance. Their free dance has received less positive reception, and it's definitely not as great a fit for them as last season's free dance, although we still think several aspects of it work. The choreography makes great use of their strong unison, partnering, and lines, and they seem to have a lot of fun performing it. It's modern without being lyrical or abstract, which is a relative rarity in today's dance field. They had some early season struggles, particularly in the free dance, but improved with every outing to claim their first senior international medal at Tallinn Trophy with all new personal bests. They're one of the teams who will be fighting for a spot on the Winter Universiade team, and their stronger levels in the rhythm dance could be what helps them come out on top of that tier. They'll need to deliver a stronger performance in the free dance than the ones they delivered in their Grand Prix events, avoid wobbling on that tricky curve lift or running out of steam towards the end, and they can see how close they can get to the podium.
Alexandra Stepanova/ Ivan Bukin
Age: 23/25
Started Skating Together: 2006
Season's Best: 200.78
Rhythm Dance: I Can't B(elieve) It's Not Tango
Free Dance: Am I the One to Make Everyone Forget Liebestrauma
Coming off a disappointment at GPF where they wound up off the podium, Stepanova/Bukin will be out for blood here. They have some of the most dynamic, appealing programs of the entire international field, and their more modern programs and strong performance quality will have them contending for the gold. Their rhythm dance may not be the most tango-y, but it's a standout program that feels even more fresh and dynamic in a sea of more traditional tangos, and utilizes their lines and body shaping to incredible effect, aside from being one of our personal favorites. Their free dance utilizes their chemistry and energy to create one of the most dynamic, entertaining programs of the entire season. They've always had unique, interesting choreography, but often with packaging and/or music that fought against them instead of carrying them. This season everything has come together with them to fit the mood they're trying to create in both programs. In order to win their first national title, they'll need to strengthen their tech-- no more Bs-- all while keeping the crowd on their side, which is a strength of theirs. They've never been a team to give up after disappointments, bouncing back after every set back they've had over the years. Don't expect these two to cede the Russian #1 spot without a fight.
Tiffani Zagorski/ Jonathan Guerreiro
Age: 24/27
Started Skating Together: 2014
Season's Best: 184.37
Rhythm Dance: Unusually Seasonally Appropriate Tango Dress
Free Dance: Tipsy Blues
Last in the alphabet but not in our hearts! Zagorski/Guerreiro are kind of an island unto themselves right now. They're unlikely to challenge the top two teams without serious mistakes, but they shouldn't have a problem defending their bronze medal from last season as long as they stay on their feet. They've always been extremely strong pattern dancers, a quality that netted them their first GP medals and a trip to GPF where they ended up #notlast. What's been holding them back this season has been the free dance. It's a good program, but they lost a lot of training time over the summer due to her knee injury, and have been struggling with the complexity of it in their past three outings. GPF was their best yet, and hopefully they can show continued improvement here. They have a stunning early lift in that program that unfortunately has so far not had it's intended impact because they tend to look on the verge of tipping over in the entry, and it'll be moments like that that they'll want to have sharpened to show what they can do before Euros. We don't expect them to have changed their ending pose where she looks like she's passed out on top of him, but as always we live in hope! They're going to have a tough time making it to Worlds, but we would have said the same about them making the Olympic team earlier this year, so who knows? Ice dance is forever a magical mystery ride, and it's best to be prepared and use every opportunity to improve themselves just in case.
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With Thunder Comes Lightning
Summery: Peter and MJ tried again, but the spark wasn't there; they stay as friends to raise their soon-to-be daughter. Everything was going great until evil goop and a spooky vampire guy fall out of an orange portal. Little does Peter know that the biggest pain in his ass and future mutant best friend has landed right at his feet.
art by @Aba_zakyX
Chapter 2 - Never Left Behind
Peter crouched on the rooftop, scowling at the location where his friends and co-workers were killed.
The police were gone, finally.
He swung down, landing outside of the police tape barrier. Even in the dark, Peter could see the damage. The road, pavement, and even the walls of buildings were horrifically corroded.
Anybody that lived nearby was evacuated, and the smell alone was telling. Toxic fumes that would kill a regular person hung like menacing mistletoe.
Peter can see the outlines of what used to be his comrades.
"Was there anything I could've done for them?" Peter asked, knowing his new buddy was standing behind him.
"No. They died quicker than most, so that's a small mercy."
It didn't feel like it.
Miguel stalked past Peter, making no sound despite his size. He wandered around the crime scene, examining the spots where Peter's comrades used to be.
He saw the eye markings narrow intently, analysing everything. He watched Miguel pause at a single spot, prodding something.
Hopping over the tape, Peter joined his side, finding charred bone sticking from the concrete. It made him feel sick.
It was a femur, and the size betrayed that it was Luke Cage's bone.
Peter had to lift his mask, emptying his stomach. Seeing his friend reduced to that made him ill. Regret, grief and guilt swarmed Peter like locusts to an open field. Ten plagues danced throughout his soul, and come to the final wrath, was no lamb's blood on his door to save him from the inner pain.
Pain fused and interwoven with anger.
That fucking thing killed his friends, stripped them to the bone and ate them. It was Peter's fault, of course. If he just listened, he would've been irritating Murdock about something dumb and boring.
He won't get those fun team-ups anymore.
"You were close," Miguel stated, though no emotion was in his voice.
"Yeah, we were," Peter answered, feeling a hollowness start to claw in his chest. "He helped MJ and me move into our new place. Cage was a good man. All he did was help people; he didn't deserve to go like this."
"The greatest stars shine the brightest but are snuffed the fastest. It's a saying in Nueva York. The good fall and become the stairs for the wicked to climb higher."
"How can somebody be reduced to nothing but a step?"
"By something that never valued life in the first place. Life tends to be most valuable when it's already gone."
"What book did you get that from? Because damn."
"My mother."
"Must be a smart lady."
"She was. Better than I could ever be."
"I feel the same about Aunt May and Uncle Ben. It's hard comparing yourself to great people when you're a major fuckup."
He heard a gruff of agreement.
Aunt May was a pillar of Peter's life, his mother figure, a great woman he aspired to be like. While Uncle Ben gave him the "With great power, comes great responsibility", May was the one who taught him what that meant.
It would be helpful if she were here. She always knew what to do, but Peter was a bumbling mess.
How could he be a father when he causes the death of his friends?
Peter swivelled to his teammate, watching as Miguel stalked towards an alleyway.
"You find something?"
"A trail. He might still be nearby."
Peter could avenge them. He could do something right.
That bastard was going to pay for what he did.
He stuck close to Miguel's side, trying to see what he did. The other Spider behaved like a hunter, tracking his prey, slowly reaching a warehouse.
It's surprising how many of those there are in New York.
"Do you smell that?" Miguel asked, lowering himself cautiously. "Unnatural decay is always a sign."
He nodded to rot in the concrete walls that shouldn't be there.
Klyntarus sucked life from everything, even if it were inanimate.
The duo snuck towards a window, peeking into the darkness within. It looked abandoned and derelict, but there was far too much inside for that to be. There are expensive crates of valuables.
Although the date stated it arrived only a few days ago, the wood of the crates looked like they were left to the elements for years.
Unnatural rot, a tell-tell trait of Klyntarus' presence.
Miguel held a finger to the window, a claw popping out of the finger pad. He jostled the lock and pushed the window up slowly.
"How do I get some of that in my suit?"
"They're not part of the suit."
"So, you've got actual claws?"
"You stick to walls; I get claws."
"You can't stick to walls? Dude, seriously?"
"Not the time, Parker."
"What else have you got? Or don't have?"
"Silencio!" Miguel hissed, "We don't want him to know we're here."
That made sense.
Peter was still curious, though. He recalled how Noir had more endurance, that Penni was quick, and Porker had "Hammerspace". Then there was Gwen, who had far more agility than the others and Miles could go invisible.
Do all Spider-people have something unique to them?
It felt like Peter only had extra weight. That sucked.
The warehouse stank of decay. There's a scorched trail on the floor and suspicious mounds of former people. The gang must've been trying to protect them.
Out of curiosity, Peter looked in one of the crates, finding several packaged gadgets. There are all kinds of Apple devices, some Windows, Samsung, Sony and more. It must be a warehouse for a supermarket or a store, maybe even a shopping mall.
He came here to fix that sphere thing, didn't he? Eat the people inside and use the technology to repair himself.
Peter started to shake, his Spider senses going haywire. He webbed to the ceiling, attaching to it, unable to stop the shivering. He couldn't turn his head when Miguel joined him, his claws deep into the wall.
Fear sang throughout his bones, a NASCAR race of terror screeching in his very atoms.
The image of his friends melting into ash clouded his vision, a fog that was so thick it clung to the back of his throat. The weight of guilt caused his grip to loosen, but Miguel caught him.
Feeling someone touch him managed to snap Peter out of being frozen, Miguel's arm tight around his waist.
His fellow Spider released his grip, landing on a high support beam. He attached to it instantly, his fingers gripping the metal so tight that it dented.
A door opened, giving Peter something to distract himself with. He watched as Black Cat stumbled into the warehouse, but his senses warned that it wasn't her.
Miguel gripped Peter's shoulder, keeping him from going to her.
"Lo siento..."
He didn't understand what that meant. He would find out, though.
Black Cat shivered, gripping her arms as slime leaked from her face. He could smell the burning flesh already.
The skin went first, then the fat, the fascia and the muscle; it melted away until there was only blackened bone. That, too, was destroyed, reduced to mere ash.
Fuck, not Felicia. She was finally getting her life together with her new wife.
The offending sludge that took his friend twisted and coiled, creating a humanoid-like body. The "scars", as Miguel called them, pulsed akin to a heartbeat; those red eyes locked onto an office room.
"I'll distract him. Destroy the stabiliser."
"And leave you to fight him alone? Daredevil, Cage, Jones, She-Hulk and Iron Fist didn't do squat together."
"You burn, I don't. Simple as that. Move fast and get this over with, Parker."
Before Peter could argue, Miguel jumped to the ground, alerting Klyntarus.
"Ahh, 2099, you still live," Klyntarus chuckled almost gleefully. "I'll admit, you hurt me badly. I'm proud."
Safe to say that Klyntarus is distracted.
Peter crawled on the ceiling, making his way towards the office. It looked rotten, more than the rest of the building, so he must be hunkered in there. As soon as Peter destroys that damn thing, they can burn the bastard.
"Shove it. You know what I'm here for."
"You don't have a Venom Burst, so that'll be mighty tough. And your fancy trinket is broken, so negative on the backup, not even that sassy little assistant. You're all alone, 2099. Just the way I like you."
Even in his injured state, he was taunting and acting like he wasn't in danger. Hopefully, he was so up his ass - or the Symbiote equivalent - he won't realise that Miguel's distracting him.
Peter's senses were on the fritz, panicking like a bucking rodeo horse. He had to focus, though. The sooner they break this bastard, the fewer people will die.
Klyntarus wandered away from the office-like part, the tail-like appendage dragging on the floor. He was giggling, fixated on Miguel.
"Just like Alchemex Tower; cuando huiste como el maldito cobarde que eres."
Peter lowered himself to the floor as carefully as possible, using all two decades of experience. When his feet touched the ground, he crept towards the office, the pungent smell staining his suit.
Thankfully, Klyntarus was too focused on Miguel to notice him. Occasionally, narcissists were much easier to fight than competent people.
The door was melted like ice cream on a hot day, nothing more than squishy splinters.
On a desk that was soon to crumble was the damned sphere he should've stamped on before.
"Ahhhh, memories. That was a grand day. For me, of course. How is my old stomping ground? Been a while since I last visited."
That's right, big guy. Keep him distracted.
"Nueva was never yours. Nothing of my or any other dimension is."
Peter cracked his knuckles, uncertain how he was going to destroy it. It's already damaged; the parts strewn about were signs of an attempted repair.
All Peter had to do was undo the repairs. That should be simple enough. Right?
He picked up a crowbar lodged in the wall, potentially from a worker fighting for their life.
"It's cute that you believe that. It was always mine and always will be, just like you. You belong to me, 2099. You'll realise that soon enough."
What did Klyntarus mean by that? His damned curiosity was starting to interfere with the objective.
"I promised to kill you. I don't break promises."
"Aww, but you do, don't you? You broke the one to your whore mother and mistake of a daughter - I know you'll taste even sweeter than she did!"
Oh, fuck.
Miguel had a kid. He was a dad like Peter would be, and Klyntarus took that from him.
That's what he meant - isn't it? When he said that Klyntarus made him Spiderman. He took Miguel's family.
"Estás muerto!"
"Only on the inside, little Border Rat! And like little Gabrielle," he taunted, cackling like the lunatic he was.
So not only is he a genocidal dimension eater but racist, too. Great. A cherry on top of the corrupted cupcake.
Peter struck the sphere with the crowbar, hitting it as hard as possible.
He heard a demonic, distorted screech of surprise and rage. The ground under him started to rumble violently. He saw a black and red mass racing towards the office through the window, barrelling like a bat out of hell.
Glowing orange webs wrapped around the parasite, pulling him back.
With each strike, Peter could feel the integrity weaken, and sparks started to fly. His spidey senses were on fire, writhing with panic and terror.
His tingles screamed, forcing him to jump and stick to the ceiling. A spear-like tendril shot through the window, glass falling like spilt glitter. It reared back and went for Peter, trying to impale him.
He hadn't let go of the stupid sphere, digging his fingers so hard into it that they were beginning to bleed through his suit.
Peter pounced out of the doorway, swinging to the rafters. A thick tendril went after him but couldn't even graze his suit.
The spikes on Miguel's forearms had fused into blades, slicing through like a hot knife to butter.
"I will kill everything you hold dear!" Klyntarus vowed, chasing after Peter with astonishing speed.
Miguel leapt onto Klyntarus' "face", starting to sink instantly. He clawed at Klyntarus' eyes, following them whenever they moved to escape his onslaught.
"Go, now!" Miguel yelled, his mask disappearing. "¡Rápido, rápido!" his eyes were almost glowing as red as Klyntarus'.
Peter kicked a skylight open and started running.
Get somewhere high and far, beat this blasted thing and save the day. And don't you dare die, big guy.
As much as Peter wanted to go somewhere and focus only on destroying the sphere, he couldn't leave his comrade behind. It wasn't right.
It wasn't right when Peter left Miles behind. He should've treated the kid better. He can't change that, but he can do better now.
Klyntarus wanted Miguel alone. Unfortunately for him, Peter wasn't going to allow that.
Peter hopped to a rooftop, looking for somewhere to hide the sphere. He didn't know if it had an actual name; it didn't matter.
He found an old pigeon hutch-house thingy, and although it's about as flimsy as wet paper, it's still better than nothing. He carefully placed the ominous orb inside, hoping he wouldn't be the only Spiderman again.
It's nice to have someone like you around, even if they're a little prickly.
Great. It's somewhere safe.
Peter hurried back, worried at what that crazy thing could've done by now. He felt terrible leaving his houseguest alone, especially with how twisted Klyntarus was.
The skies began to open, rain falling with haste.
He was worried about MJ. He learned how vindictive Klyntarus was; it put her in grave danger. Their unborn child was at risk.
He didn't listen and was paying the price for it. He still wasn't.
Miguel told him to go, and here he was, running straight back to a fight he couldn't win. It would be wrong to leave someone behind to a monster like that. How could Peter ever live with himself knowing he let somebody die?
It's painful enough with his friends, his old captain, his uncle, his aunt - his entire family except for his best friend and soon-to-be child. Not even Felicia was around anymore.
He missed the other spiders - Noir, Peni, Porker, Gwen, Miles; they showed him he wasn't alone.
They taught him that he could be a better man.
That kid saved Peter's life in more ways than one. He gave Peter hope for the future again. He got Peter to face his fear of parenthood and wanted Miles to be the baby's middle name - that kid was an inspiration.
What would Miles think if Peter was told to run and didn't go back to help somebody? The hypothetical disappointment was terrifying.
He had somebody else to add to the list of fellow spiders.
In a way, spider people are a unique species, close but different to humanity. It's so weird - since he got bitten, he felt like he was the last of his kind, only to find others.
Peter crouched atop the warehouse roof, hearing the wrathful shrieking of Klyntarus inside. His spidey senses were terrified, demanding that he flee and never return as Miguel ordered.
Narrowing his eyes, Peter looked through the broken window, searching for any dark blue.
"Where is it, you revolting abomination?!" Klyntarus roared, smashing everything inside the warehouse. "Where!?"
Finally, Peter spotted his teammate.
Klyntarus had him pinned to the wall, writhing darkness constricting around him.
"Debajo del sofá!"
"Oh, you think you're being cute!?" Klyntarus seethed, tightening his hold.
"Soy tan mono!"
Peter needed to learn Spanish immediately.
In a rage, Klyntarus threw Miguel into the other wall, then slammed him into the floor with a tendril. With the velocity, Peter knew that it hurt, but even so, the other Spider was making fun of the parasite.
Yep, he's a spider.
He waited with his web-shooter at the ready. As expected, Klyntarus threw the other Spider again, and Peter fired.
The web attached to Miguel's back, and Peter pulled, his spider senses panicking as Klyntarus shrieked again.
"I told you to run," Miguel hissed as Peter aimed for the nearest building. "Why'd you come back?"
"Never leave a spider behind, twinkle toes!" Peter stated, feeling the roof under them start to shake. "That's not good."
A black tendril shot from behind Peter, wrapping around his arm and pulling him down. Although Miguel went to grab him, he only succeeded in scratching Peter's hand.
Those claws hurt!
"You!" Klyntarus roared, engulfing much of Peter's body with his mass. It burned, regardless of his superhuman endurance. "I will make you watch as I destroy everything you love, Parker!"
"I think you're mad at me," Peter snarked, despite the intense weight starting to crush his body.
"I h-AHH!" Klyntarus yelped, those horrid eyes twisting to... Why is Miguel biting his body!? "How dare-no, fuck, no!"
Light blue was growing through the red scars, burning the blackness around them. It quickly reached the part holding Peter, loosening the ironclad grip.
Klyntarus had no choice but to break away from the afflicted part, dropping Peter. The hot ash clung to Peter's suit, quickly hardening in the cold rain falling on them.
He felt hands pulling him as a distorted roar echoed in Peter's ears and the sound of crumbling.
Though his spidey senses were in a panic, Peter struggled to move.
Everything went dark for what felt like a few seconds.
When consciousness returned, he wasn't in a warehouse anymore - or he was, and lay in what remained. He tried to move, but having several tonnes of concrete on you sucks.
Peter's chest hurt, his hand burned like fire, and everything was too dark. His head was thundering.
Peter grumbled, feeling that his leg was stuck. He can move a little, meaning he isn't fully submerged; that's nice.
His eyes blinked, adapting to the lack of light. He saw red eyes, bright and vibrant, but his spidey sense wasn't reacting.
Even so, Peter hit the light.
"¡Ay, coño!"
Oh, shit!
"Miguel?" Peter panted, realising the spooky scars weren't around.
"Hijo de puta, who else?" Miguel hissed, "Try not hitting me while I keep us from being crushed. ¿Te parece bien?"
Everything hurts, but they're still alive.
"The hell happened, man?"
"Caused the building to collapse. You were stuck to the floor, so... I improvised."
When Peter's eyes were fully adapted, he saw what Miguel meant. The man was singlehandedly keeping the building from turning Peter into a paste.
He had it all pushing on his back, but he remained unwavering.
"You could've run," Peter said, unsure why he said it.
"Never leave a spider behind. That's what you said, araña testaruda."
He did. It felt good having that stupidity repaid.
By working together, they managed to push the concrete away, revealing the frigid rain.
Peter's entire body hurt, and he expected his comrade to feel the same.
He wanted a warm bath, hot cocoa, and to listen to MJ's dumb puns. Instead of dad jokes, they had mom jokes.
"Buddy, you allergic to hot cocoa?"
"¿Qué? What, is that a fruit?"
"We've got a lot of things to cross off a list, my guy."
A hot bath was more than warranted.
"My everything aches," Peter sighed, glancing at MJ as she brushed her teeth. "We made progress, at least."
"You two were pretty battered," MJ said, spitting minty spit foam into the sink. "Did you make progress against the evil goop or with Miguel?"
"Hmm, there's a "but" in there."
"Miguel had a daughter. Klyntarus killed her. He taunted him about it." His best friend turned, sympathy and fear growing on her graceful features. "And he threatened us. I'm worried he'll come after you and our yet-to-be roommate."
It's an understandable fear, especially given what Klyntarus was.
He couldn't begin to know how Miguel felt. No wonder he was so furious with Peter.
Peter didn't even know the baby in MJ's organic oven, but he would die for them. He couldn't bare having that baby, and some sinister snot comes and takes them away forever.
"Do you think we should leave him alone for a bit?" she asked, wanting to be as accommodating as possible.
Her heart was even more gigantic than all forty-nine states combined.
On a side note, good for Hawaii for their independence.
"No," Peter answered, though he wasn't sure. "I think Klyntarus has kept him alone for long enough."
"I understand the holo-suit a lot more now. You don't need so much detergent to clean it. Also, I think he's allergic to that, too."
"We're gonna need a list."
"A lengthy one." Peter got up, cracking the aching bones in his back. With a sigh, MJ threw a towel into Peter's face. "I don't need to see your little Pete, and I doubt our guest does either."
"For the love of all that is holy, never call it that again."
"No promises."
Peter wrapped the towel around his waist, eager for some pop tarts.
MJ waved as Peter went to the kitchen, spotting their temporary housemate in the living room.
Although he'd like a nice snack, he wanted to see how his new buddy was doing.
He walked into the living room, amused that Miguel still had the sunglasses on.
"Concussion still there?"
"Photophobia," Miguel corrected, sounding tired. "Downside to perfect night vision."
"Do your eyes reflect?"
"Yeah. It's not great."
"And you've got fangs."
"I hate them."
"I think it's cool. You've got some venom that hurts him, too. Oh! Is that what a "Venom Burst" is? A bomb with your venom? That's cool."
Miguel grumbled, hiding his face in a pillow.
It's cool, though.
Where could Peter get fangs?
"Look, big guy, our door's open. We don't have a lock, but you get what I mean - I hope? If not, we're open to talk."
"About what?"
"How that motherfucker... I can only assume it's rough with MJ being pregnant."
"It was two years ago. That she..." he couldn't finish the sentence, but Peter knew what he meant.
Timewise, that would've made Miguel around twenty-five or twenty-four when she died.
"How old was she? If it's alright to ask."
"You were around seventeen or sixteen when you became a dad, huh?"
"How do you know that?"
"I have a thing with guessing people's ages. You look my age, but you're not."
"Well, fuck you too."
"I didn't mean it like that, big guy!" Peter said, quickly backtracking. "You've experienced a lot. That's what I meant."
"You could certainly say that. Is there a point to the inquiry? I'm tired. I don't want to talk about my dead family."
"Alright, let's have pop tarts and then sleep, possibly cry ourselves to sleep. Sound good?"
"Sure thing, little Pete."
That motherfucker has super hearing!?
While Peter should be mad, it's a little funny.
"Only if I get to call you little Miguel."
"Bite me."
"Is that an invitation or an insult?"
"Por el amor de Dios. I'll have something with cheese."
"Great, a toastie it is. I'll turn the lights down for you, big guy."
He liked having Miguel here. The rapport was fun.
Special thanks to spider-the-bat for the borders!
#ao3 refugee#ao3fic#ao3 might be fucked#ao3#atsv#across the spider verse#across the spiderverse#miguel o'hara#oscar isaac is miguel o'hara#peter b parker x miguel o'hara#spiderdads#peter b parker#mj watson#bestie goals mj#plague of the spiderverse series#with thunder comes lightning
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With Thunder Comes Lightning
Summery: Peter and MJ tried again, but the spark wasn't there; they stay as friends to raise their soon-to-be daughter. Everything was going great until evil goop and a spooky vampire guy fall out of an orange portal. Little does Peter know that the biggest pain in his ass and future mutant best friend has landed right at his feet.
art by darknessdearm
Chapter 3 - Society
"That's it?" MJ questioned, confused by the broken sphere on her coffee table. "This is how a super sinister snot has been killing entire universes?"
"Essentially," Peter answered, equally unimpressed. "He'll be hopping from body to body now, trying to find this."
"Another question. Why can't he do what Venom and Eddie do?"
"It's like a compatibility thing. Symbiotes need a host that fits them. Klyntarus is so toxic that people melt and burn."
"Oh, so Miguel's compatible?"
"You said that he doesn't burn when Klyntarus touches him. That means he's compatible, right?"
Oh, shit.
She's right. Of course, MJ was right; under all that glowing ruby hair was a brilliant brain that could detect things Peter couldn't.
That explains why Klyntarus is so obsessive, at least. The fact that his fellow spider wasn't a puppet meant that there was something more to it, though.
Whatever made Klyntarus so toxic and unstable must alter how he takes over people that are compatible with him. There's a lot that Peter doesn't know about him, although he's aware that the beast is vindictive.
Who taunts someone over the death of their child? That's horrific, especially when they're the killer.
"This is why you're the brains between us."
"Alright, we destroy whatever this is and hunt the goopy bastard down. Is that about right?"
"Pretty much. The sooner he's gone, the sooner we can focus on the little one," he smiled, unable to look away from her bulging stomach. "Don't worry yourself, MJ. We got this. We always come out on top."
That's what Peter wants to believe, anyway.
He can't do anything against such a monster. At most, he can be a distraction. How do you fight something that you can't hit?
Fighting alone wasn't going to work. They needed to talk to the others.
He doubted that the Avengers would be open to Miguel; he's already stolen from Stark. The X-Men, however, are more open-minded.
Wolverine would be an annoying bastard as always, but with help from Professor X, they can kill this bug.
"You can't stay here." Jesus, how is such a big guy so quiet? "He'll be coming for you. Staying here isn't safe."
Their guest had taken a morning shower. Annoyingly, he also decided not to put a shirt on afterwards. It was his choice, of course; it was better than no pants.
The problem was that he looked good.
Without the bandages, burns and blood, he looked good. Great, broad shoulders with detailed muscle. His arms were thick, and his waist surprisingly slender.
Peter could see the V line of his hips disappearing into his pants.
His hair was still wet from the shower, making those dark brown locks frame his face perfectly. Those cheekbones could cut through paper. Beautiful red eyes, the same he regretfully punched at, didn't look nearly as menacing on him.
The scars, though...
They were so deep, long, ragged and twisted. Many of them stretched with age. What disturbed Peter the most were the clinical, surgical scars. Although it was probably from surgery due to being Spiderman - it's an injury-prone job - something told Peter there was more to it.
"About that. I was thinking - shock and horror, I know - we should go to the X-Men for some help."
"They won't be as helpful as you think."
"I mean, it's better than the two of us."
"They'll all go after him, Peter, and they'll all die. He'll hop from their bodies, trying to find the most stable and abuse their powers. I've seen what happens when Xavier loses control over his power - it's not pretty."
The idea of that was terrifying.
"What haven't you seen?" MJ asked, which was a good question.
"I haven't been to the universe where everybody is a zombie, so I technically haven't seen that."
"I wanna see that."
"No, MJ, you're not going to the super dangerous zombie universe," Peter sighed, wishing Miguel hadn't mentioned that.
"Don't be a buzzkill!"
The smartest of them wanted to go to zombie land. They're doomed.
"That entire universe is on lockdown; nobody can go to it."
That sentence confused him. What did he mean by that?
Quickly, the other spider regretted saying that.
MJ looked to Peter, seeking answers that he didn't have.
"Are there others with you?" she asked.
"I'm not talking about that," Miguel shot down, silently sinking away in the corridor.
Peter's not going to let him slither out of this.
"Miguel, do you have like a team or something? Is that what Klyntarus meant by "no backup"?" Peter pressed, but it only made the other spider close up more. "If there's help, we should ask for it."
MJ couldn't move quickly, but she wanted to know what happened.
He would get answers.
Peter followed. If he decided to leave the house, Peter might be unable to follow. Annoyingly, his fellow spider is adept at disappearing without a sound. It's a little creepy how little sound he made when he moved.
He heard the window open, and Peter shot his web, sticking Miguel's hand to the wall.
"¡Ay, coño!" he hissed, glaring at Peter. "Could you not web me?" the other spider growled, scratching the webbing away.
"You're not going to run. We're in this together, big guy. We're going to be open and communicate - alright?"
Miguel growled again, his fangs peaking. They do things that they shouldn't to Peter - did he have a vampire thing? That's awkwardly unhelpful and sudden.
His new friend was pacing, distressed and irritated. He sounded like an upset dog.
Peter crossed his arms, waiting.
They will talk about it, and Peter will chase him if he has to.
"You didn't mention that there are others," Peter stated, less than amused.
"You weren't supposed to know. That's obvious."
"Well, why?"
"That's not a rabbit hole you want to go down, Parker."
"A super evil snot killed my friends and nearly buried me alive. I'm down the hole already. I'm deep underground and tanning in the planet's core!"
Part of him felt bad for pushing his friend like this, given how malicious Klyntarus was, but it was necessary. They needed help, and badly.
If they can get any assistance, they need to take it.
"You're not going to like it."
"Oh, right, because the past two days have been joyous and sunshine and rainbows. Can't you see how happy I am? I'm glowing! I cracked my back; I'm shining like a glow stick," Peter huffed, hands on his waist.
He's getting more self-conscious over his weight for some reason. It's already something he hates about himself, but compared to Miguel, he appeared obese.
"Alright. Fine."
"You're contaminated."
"And immediately, you've lost me."
"Earth-1610B. You and four others were pulled into that dimension. The Spiderman of that universe died and was replaced. I made my first autonomous universe jump a few hours afterwards. That entire universe is in quarantine now."
He's completely lost.
Miguel knew who Peter was the whole time. He's always known. He knew about the others, too.
"Alright, why's it in quarantine? Is Miles alright?"
"Miles is why it's in quarantine. The spider that bit him was never supposed to - it belonged to another universe now lacking a Spiderman. As soon as Miles got bit, that universe became unstable. Holes were torn in the multiverse, and people are falling through - we call them anomalies, and our job is to put them back where they belong. Miles is designated as the original anomaly."
"That's a whole lot of information."
"I said it's a rabbit hole!"
"There's a rabbit hole, and then there's an entire tunnel system. I mean, it's not Miles' fault that he got bit! It was those Alchemex idiots. He shouldn't be treated as some "anomaly" for that!"
"That's not the only reason. It's also because he might be... compatible."
"What? Compatible with what?"
Peter already knew the answer, but he didn't want it. Not the kid.
Miles was a good kid. He didn't deserve that level of burden on his shoulders. He's just a kid!
"If Klyntarus realises that there's someone else he can use, someone that can't fight him off, the kid won't stand a chance. He'll already know about the situation with you and the others. We... deliberately avoided you so he wouldn't catch on. All of your universes have been quarantined unless there's an anomaly."
"And the goop himself became an anomaly in my universe."
"I grabbed him as he tried to escape through one of the holes Earth-1610B tore. He's been much harder to track because of those holes. He's a slippery bastard."
"Your watch thingy is broken; you can't call anybody, but you were alone when you came through."
"I've been putting together a Spider Society - they voted on the name; I think it's stupid. Spiders from different universes support each other and provide help if Klyntarus or another anomaly shows up. And I came alone because... I wasn't going to repeat a mistake."
Miguel pressed his back against the wall and slid down, sitting awkwardly.
It felt like an interrogation, but Peter didn't mean that. He wanted answers about this utter clusterfuck.
How is he supposed to feel?
None of this is Miles' fault, of course. It's not fair. While he didn't know about the spider, it's still not Miles' fault. He hated that Miles had to be alone because of that vicious slime.
If it weren't for Klyntarus, so much would've never happened.
The idea of a spider society sounded incredible, and Peter wanted to dive headfirst into it. He hadn't been allowed to because of something nobody could've foreseen or controlled.
Except for Kingpin, obviously; that's his fault.
Peter sat beside the younger spider, feeling bad since it visibly weighed on him.
"I'm going to guess that you weren't alone last time," Peter said, keeping his tone soft and non-accusatory.
"It was early on. There wasn't a lot of us, only a small team. Ten spiders, including me. They all died," Miguel sighed, sounding a little detached, possibly a sign of disassociation. "I decided to bring them, and ten universes suffered; I wasn't going to let that happen again."
How many people has he lost to that evil slime? The stress of enduring all of that must be horrible.
How much has Klyntarus taken from him? All because he was compatible?
Peter couldn't imagine how lonely that was.
"You went after him on your own?"
It's not a question, though his voice made it sound like that. It didn't feel right for this to be happening. How can someone be carrying all of this on his shoulders alone?
That's how it is as a lone Spiderman, though. You're all alone, lost in a sea of web and tragedy.
The mere concept of a Spider Society was almost a glimmer of hope. It gave them a chance at community, to be with others like them. People that understood the burden that they carry.
"That's how it always is and how it should be. When people try to "help" me, they die, Parker. You and MJ are in danger now, and that'll never go away; he'll always wait to break you, no matter how far you think you are. And that's because I failed. Again."
Depression is a bitch to live with. It's a physical piece of you that doesn't go away, only going briefly dormant.
Peter spent a while dealing with it alone. He was isolated, depressed, miserable and tired of everything. Meeting Miles kicked him up the butt and made him feel alive again.
At least he had somebody.
"You don't want anyone to help because they'll die."
"They always do. I failed to kill him, and now all of you are in danger."
"You never intended on surviving that bomb."
"If it means killing him, I don't care."
Peter is picking up PTSD, depression and possible suicidal ideation. That's not great.
It's possible that Peter could repay what Miles did for him. Help somebody, offer a hand while they're drowning in nothingness.
His friend was alone, and Peter knew how suffocating that could be.
"I care."
"You shouldn't."
"Too bad, kid."
"Don't you dare start the age card with me!"
"My knees pop like bubble wrap. I earned my age card."
"If you call me a kid, I'll call you old man."
"Sounds like a deal."
The mood was lightened; the true power of Spiderman!
"I'm already fat. Being called old is sprinkles on the ice cream."
"Estás obsesionado con la comida."
"It would've been great if I paid attention to Spanish in college."
He was busy falling asleep in class and swinging everywhere at night.
"At least you got to go to one."
"Motherfucker, you built a watch that takes you to other dimensions but never went to college?"
"Didn't go to any school. My "father" kept me locked in a basement for my childhood."
That explained a lot.
Everything about this guy was just miserable. His universe sucked.
"Fuck that guy."
"Yeah. Was it any good? College."
"Honestly? Waste of time."
"Good to know I didn't miss anything."
MJ opened the door, probably having been listening to them.
She came in and awkwardly shuffled beside Peter, laying her head against his shoulder.
They're in a messed-up situation. Somehow, they'll stop interdimensional splooge with as few casualties as possible. It sounded much easier than it was.
That sludge was infecting people, jumping like a virus to survive. They need to find him and burn him.
Also, they need to fix Miguel's funky watch. Despite his reservations, they need help.
"I shouldn't have sat down," MJ huffed, regretting her choice. "Can you boys help me?"
"Yeah, I'll carry you," Peter sighed, emotionally drained. "Don't stress yourself, MJ. We got this. Don't we, buddy?"
"You're overly optimistic."
"And you're a negative Nancy."
"My name isn't Nancy."
"It's a saying, dude."
"If it's because of the alliteration, it's a stupid saying."
"Both of you shove it before I take off my slippers," MJ chastised, annoyed.
MJ's the boss of the trio, as well as the mini-MJ.
Honestly, Peter wasn't confident about anything. He felt useless, regardless of his endeavour to help.
She wasn't safe in this house anymore, and that hurt. What father couldn't protect the mother of his child?
"We need to get you somewhere secure," Peter said, wrapping his arm around her. "It's gonna be dicey for a bit."
"We'll find something. I've got faith in you."
At least he has that.
#ao3 refugee#across the spider verse#atsv#miguel o'hara#peter b parker#peter b parker x miguel o'hara#spiderdads#bestie goals mj#oscar isaac is miguel o'hara#with thunder comes lightning#plague of the spiderverse series
80 notes
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With Thunder Comes Lightning
Summery: Peter and MJ tried again, but the spark wasn't there; they stay as friends to raise their soon-to-be daughter. Everything was going great until evil goop and a spooky vampire guy fall out of an orange portal. Little does Peter know that the biggest pain in his ass and future mutant best friend has landed right at his feet.
art by @Cyberdoods
Chapter 5 - Mutatis Mutandis
1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Centre, Westchester County, New York. He's never been on the property, but Peter knew where it was.
It's safer than their home.
He wouldn't be surprised if Professor X already knew they were coming.
Although Peter would've preferred grabbing what they needed and swinging to the mansion, it wasn't safe for MJ. He needed to protect her. He couldn't carry her and everything else at once. They agreed to use her car.
They also added car sickness to Miguel's lengthy list of medical inconveniences. The tablets MJ gave to keep him from throwing up had knocked the guy out completely.
"Don't blame yourself," MJ tried, but it didn't change the turmoil boiling inside of Peter. "What could you have done? Realistically?"
"More than what I did."
"You wouldn't kill someone, even if it's Manic Mike. He knew that."
Quite the nickname for the possessed vampire.
Peter should've tried, though. He could've done more. If he had killed Morbius, then Klyntarus wouldn't have a body.
In that scenario, however, since taking Miguel failed, he would've naturally gone for Peter. He would've deprived MJ of a co-parent and his child of their father. He didn't even know their name and almost lost the chance to see them.
All this happened because Peter didn't listen and wouldn't burn that sadistic bastard when he had the chance.
People were dying. Innocent civilians, his friends, and even his enemies were suffering.
"He said something down there. Klyntarus."
"What?" MJ inquired, worried.
Peter glanced at the rearview mirror. He felt a weight grow in his chest, recalling those harsh words, adding it to what he already knew.
It kept getting worse.
"Eugenics. He bred Miguel to be a compatible body."
"Fucking hell," MJ cringed, covering her eyes with disgust.
"I presume that's where the medical problems come from and why he was in a basement for so long. Thinking about it more, it was probably an underground lab."
"He's not going to stop, is he? Until he gets what he wants."
"Which is either asleep in our backseat or is in our trunk. Either way, it's bad."
"We're not letting him get either. That ugly bowling ball or Miguel. He's our friend. We don't leave people behind."
"No, we don't."
Peter looked at the rearview mirror again, taking a brief moment to analyse his passenger. It was difficult not to.
He couldn't understand why he couldn't sense Miguel but detected that feral version of him. It didn't make sense. How was he invisible but also not?
Even now, Peter couldn't detect he was there, even though Peter could see him. It was baffling.
MJ chuckled, but he didn't know why.
"What's funny? I got something on my face again?"
"You like each other."
"Of course, I like Miguel. And if he didn't like me, we wouldn't be buddies!"
"He's pretty, and you know it."
What did she mean by that?
Peter had to look again to see what she was talking about.
Miguel had cheekbones that could cut glass, eyes that smouldered like a raging fireplace and an impeccable body, but he didn't understand what she meant.
He's a nice-looking guy, but something about how she said it was so weird. Was it his voice? How those growls rumbled deep from his chest like oncoming thunder and the Spanish becoming little flashes of lightning?
The guy could read the menu from Taco Bell and make it alluring.
"Do you fancy him?" Peter inquired, confused but curious. "I can't tell you who not to like, of course. It's just... he's not from this universe. He'll have to go eventually."
Why did that fact feel sad? He should be happy that Miguel could go home.
Home. Where he was alone.
Wasn't being made by that abomination terrible enough? Nobody should endure such solitude. At least Peter had MJ; that's better than nothing at all.
Those scars, the ones that were far too clinical to be mere battle wounds. They originated from him, too, didn't they? More games by the evil sludge.
To know that you were bred solely to be the vehicle of a monstrous parasite must be horrifying. That parasite then killed your family, even your daughter, and won't stop tormenting you.
It honestly felt like Peter was continuing that torture. Thanks to him, his friend's abuser was still out there, wreaking havoc on other lives.
Why can't Peter do what's necessary? He felt so weak and helpless.
"No, Peter, I don't," MJ answered, though his confusion wasn't satisfied. "Be open is all I want to say. You've got a lot you want to talk about."
"I'm getting tired of talking."
"I know, babes. We'll figure something out."
She didn't sound so confident this time.
And Peter did want to talk, as much as it annoyed him. He wanted to hear it from Miguel, to understand his friend more and try to keep him from risking himself so much. While he didn't value his life, Peter did.
Was there anything for him to live for besides revenge? It didn't seem so.
When Uncle Ben died, Peter didn't rise as a hero without hiccups. He went after the man that took his father figure's life, and was responsible for his death, even if indirectly. It wouldn't be the first time he was tempted to break the rule of no killing.
So, so many times, Peter had wanted to end the problem. He was so scared of becoming like them, though, a villain that only hurt others.
Without Miles, Peter wasn't sure he would've kept going.
Could he do the same for Miguel? Try and start him on a journey of finding value in himself. It's unlikely, but he had to try. What Spiderman would he be if he didn't try?
Even if all of his trying appeared to end in catastrophic failure.
The mansion was magnificent and a little pretentious.
As it tended to explode once a year, Peter's very unconfident that it would last long. However, if MJ could rest easy, it could work.
And having superpowered people around your pregnant best friend made him feel a little better.
Peter felt like an idiot and knew seeing Logan after losing Matt and Luke would hurt. He couldn't imagine how he was feeling.
It would be fair to blame him, too.
"Don't be too hard on yourself," MJ said, but it didn't change how he felt inside.
"Yeah, Logan will do that for me."
"He might not."
"You know how close he was with Cage. I know he'll start a fight with Miguel, too. I'm secretly interested to see how that'd play out."
"I'd pay for tickets to see that. There's a two-foot height difference, too. It's like a chihuahua biting at a Great Dane."
"Chihuahua is the most accurate descriptor for Logan. For Miguel? I'd go more for Rottweiler. Capable of doing damage but a big softie inside."
"I know there's a Mexican version of a pit bull, but I forgot what it's called. Oh, Logan's Canadian; is there a tiny Canadian dog?"
"There is no dog more suitable for Logan than a Chihuahua. Only a Chihuahua with adamantium bones and lightsabres for knuckledusters."
That created a hilarious image in Peter's head.
He pulled the car into a visitors' parking space - heh, Parker the parker, that's funny.
MJ got out first, stretching her legs. Having a literal human growing inside of you must be so freaky.
After Peter got out, he went to the back, knocking on the roof.
An annoyed reddish brown eye peeked at Peter. He didn't know why he was so fixated on the colour or why Miguel's eye being only half open excited him.
She's not wrong. He's got a pretty face.
Rationally, Peter knew it was to protect his eyes from the sunlight. Sadly, those brilliant red eyes disappeared behind sunglasses.
"Wake up, big guy. We're here."
"I don't like cars."
MJ chuckled as she got the evil orb from their trunk.
"I know, pal."
"You've got leather seats."
"Uh, yeah. Why?" Miguel lifted his arm, showing a rash. "You're allergic to leather? Seriously?"
"That's not even the dumbest one."
"I'm almost scared to ask."
"No idea what that means."
"When most people touch me with their bare skin, I get a reaction - you can write on my skin."
"Cool and depressing. I'm glad I don't trigger that, bud."
"You don't trigger a lot of things for some reason."
He didn't know why he was pleased to hear that. Perhaps it's because Peter keeps fucking things up? That's probably why.
Peter took several steps back for the taller man to get out of the car, cracking his neck.
Seeing how in shape Miguel was made Peter feel terrible about his flabby body. If he worked out, he could look like that. What example would he be to his child if he was overweight?
How can Peter date somebody if his tummy passes the door before him?
He looks terrible, too. It's horrible that MJ had to deal with him for so long. Why did she even take him back? She's heavily pregnant and incredible.
"Mi primera universidad parece pretenciosa."
"I think I recognise university in that sentence - hey, I'm learning!"
"It looks like one of those creepy castles full of spooky shit."
"I can see it, actually," Peter agreed, pushing the gates open.
He didn't even realise there was a lock until it clattered on the pavement.
MJ sighed, picking it up. It wasn't rotten and rusted, thankfully.
She sneezed. Like always, it was loud, like a car horn. It always made Peter giggle, no matter the situation.
"Salud," Miguel stated. It's possibly the Spanish form of "bless you". "I'm only reminding you now that I was completely against this."
"It won't be that bad," MJ said, a little too optimistic. "Logan's nice!"
"There are undeniable laws in the multiverse. Lobezno siempre es una zorrita enfadada."
"You just insulted Logan, didn't you?"
"You are learning. There's hope for us yet."
Although Peter should feel insulted, it felt more playful than aggressive.
Slowly but surely, Peter is infecting this man with a sense of humour.
Several people stared at them as though they were out of place. He could feel them judging him, which was weird. There was a literal kid that looked like a bipedal ocelot, but somehow a pregnant redhead, overweight guy and giant Latino were odd.
Sure, because they're the weird ones.
He saw Storm and Cyclops outside of the main building, the obnoxious mansion.
Honestly, it's begging to get blown up.
Although Cyclops' eyes were obscured by his visor, Peter could feel the hostility radiating off the man. It was directed solely at Miguel, and Peter wouldn't allow that.
"Been a while," Peter said, trying to keep things peaceful. "We've got a lot to talk about. Is Xavier in?"
Of course, he was. Where else would he be? Smooching Magneto?
"A lot," Storm concurred, shaking her head. "Logan's not doing well. I don't think it was a good idea for you to come here now."
"Oh, right - I'll just call your receptionist. Stacy's lovely. I heard she's back from her honeymoon. She can schedule a visit after the universe has been eaten by evil snot," Peter huffed, annoyed. "Does that sound good to you?"
"Son tan útiles como un cactus en una tormenta de nieve. No malgastes tu aliento."
"You want to repeat that, hotshot?" Cyclops sneered, understanding Spanish.
Peter was a little jealous.
Sensing a rising tension, Peter put himself between Cyclops and Miguel, but the taller man only needed to lean over him.
"Eres un pony de un solo truco. Estaré encantado de enseñarte a hacerte el muerto."
"Big talk from an invader!"
"Muérdeme, colonizador."
"That's enough, both of you," came the deep English voice of Professor X, even balder than before. How was that possible? "There's been enough deaths these past few days. We don't need bloodshed on these grounds."
"No puedo prometer nada."
"You can and you will," Storm added.
Great, all of them can understand Spanish but him and MJ.
Miguel growled, irritated by the man's presence. Interestingly, Professor X realised something he wouldn't share. How rude.
With a wave, Xavier requested that they all follow him.
Of course, Cyclops had to sneer at Miguel, who only grinned back, showing his fangs.
The halls were fancy and a little over the top. It's dramatic for a barely legal school.
There were kids of all ages, from tweens to young adults.
A small quad of girls with a single boy was eating Taco Bell. It wasn't Peter's favourite, but it got him through some tough nights before meeting Miles.
Miguel made a slight growl, disgusted by it.
"What's the matter now, tough guy?" MJ questioned, slightly confused.
"Taco Bell isn't real Mexican food."
"And bacon sure ain't kosher, but it's so good," Peter shrugged, though he vaguely understood the point.
"Kosher is a beverage in my universe."
MJ passed the metal ball to Peter, shaking her hands off the evil device. He didn't blame her for not wanting to touch it.
"If Aunt May were alive, she'd be thrilled to hear that," he chuckled, thinking back to her.
Peter wasn't overly religious but was raised in a Jewish house. The traditions meant a lot to his aunt, uncle and father; it was important to them, and it felt like he got to be with them during Hanukkah and the other Jewish holidays.
It's sad knowing his child won't be able to meet them. They were great people. And unlike his egg donor, the baby will have a great mother.
Was that woman even alive? He wasn't sure, nor did he care. It wasn't like she ever cared about him, so why would he waste any precious time on her?
Mary was an awful person. How she got close enough to anybody, let alone his father, to make a child? He'll never know.
Hopefully, she was sad and alone, unable to harm other people.
As if detecting their leaders' seriousness, Rogue, Beast, and Logan quickly joined them. While Peter wanted to say something to his pal, he struggled to find the words.
How could he apologise for Luke and Matt's death?
It felt strange how they were too close, almost escorting them.
Professor X wheeled into a secure part of the building. It was like a freaky laboratory, and Peter didn't like being in there.
He didn't want Miguel in there, either. He'd spent too long in labs.
"There's a lot to discuss," Professor X said, facing them. "Storm, please take Miss Watson and get her comfortable. I'm sure she's tired."
"If anything happens to my boys, I'll find you," MJ promised, letting Storm place a hand on her back.
Peter didn't like the lab. It was too clean, too sterile. It had gadgets, gizmos and goobers everywhere.
He believed her, too. Even though she was pregnant, she was the last person to mess with.
"I take it you guys already know about the new villain," Peter said, hoping they'll help.
Miguel didn't feel the same way.
"The thing killed Matt and Cage!" Logan roared, tossing a metal table into a wall. "The fucking monster has been slaughtering people left and right, and we can barely keep up with it!"
"Cerebro detected him when he arrived. He's far worse than a mere "villain", and you know that," Professor X said sorrowfully. "I presume your compatriot is of the same origin?"
"Half right," Miguel stated. "He took over my universe some time ago. I made him run and have been tracking him for nearly three years. I got close to killing him this time."
Until Peter fucked it up.
"That's my fault," Peter said, a weight growing in his heart. "Miguel told me to burn what was left of him, but I didn't listen, and he recovered. So far, all we've been able to do is take this from him," Peter continued, placing the metal ball on a non-destroyed table.
"Without a compatible body, that is how he survives. He feeds off universes by destabilising them. He's so parasitic that he rots everything he interacts with, so he's not hard to follow," Miguel added, sounding angry. "He calls himself Klyntarus. Son of a bitch is so obsessed with his "species' superiority" that he named himself after his home world."
"Can't be that superior if the dang sludge needs some ping-pong ball to stay alive," Rogue commented, which was a fair observation.
"That's great, but how do we catch the fucker?" Cyclops asked, glaring at Miguel. "Sure, we can destroy this ball, but that won't stop him from taking bodies."
"If I repair this - we use it to travel between universes - I can call for backup. We've got technology designed to handle anomalies like him," Miguel stated, showing off his funky watch. "It'll be a pain, but I can make another - albeit smaller and weaker - Venom Burst bomb to harm him. It'll be easier to contain and eliminate him after that."
"How hard could that be? You're making a bomb. You already made a dimension hopper," Rogue questioned, confused.
"Because it's my venom. Do you know anything about venom milking? I can only make so much. I had to collect for months to get enough."
"I can make something to boost production," Beast said, but Peter didn't like hearing that. "An important question needs asking - how does Klyntarus destabilise a universe enough for him to consume it?"
"Currently, it's only a hypothesis, but it's the Canon Theory. For every Spiderman I've encountered, some criteria are met - if they're disturbed, the universe becomes unstable. Cause enough disturbance, and it breaks apart. He'll deliberately interfere with "canon events" to make it easier for him to flee or feed."
"Fantastic. How many times has he fought us?" Logan grumbled, irritated by Miguel's very existence.
"Every time he entered a universe with you in it. He's familiar with your abilities, even if you use them differently. You're not to engage him directly. You'll die or, worse, become a puppet, and he'll use your powers. It was bad enough when he got Professor X once. He killed every mutant on this planet with a thought."
Everything was stacked against them. That sludge was a threat they had never encountered before. He knew all of their abilities and then some. What could they do against such power?
They do everything that they can.
While Miguel continued elaborating on the situation, Peter felt like a piece of furniture, watching it all unfold.
In the pit of his stomach, something told Peter that he made a mistake.
Deadpool had a point when he said that Xavier looked like Mister Clean.
Peter wasn't sure what the wheelchair superbrain wanted and didn't want to know. He knew that it involved Klyntarus in one way or another.
If he wanted details about the monster, he would've spoken to Miguel. The Professor had been weird with his friend, which was unusual, even for the X-Men's head honcho.
"Do you know why I asked you to speak with me alone, Peter?" Charles asked, his accent thick and English. It sounded so fancy compared to Peter.
A funny thing about Spidey's sense is that it interfered with telepathy. Instead of a clear picture, mind readers received static and grainy images. It made Peter quite irritating to those attempting to read him.
Is why Klyntarus hasn't tried taking Peter over? Or it's to hurt him until he's satisfied. Either way, he wasn't sure he wanted the answer.
Whatever Klyntarus wanted, he couldn't get. No matter the cost.
"My amazing improv."
"It's certainly a bonus, but I'm afraid not. I want to speak with you about your "friend"."
"I don't like how you put that in quotes."
"My apologies. I wasn't certain how close you were, despite him not even being here a week."
It didn't feel that short.
"Haven't you read him?" Peter questioned, awkwardly sitting on the chair across from the Professor. "You're super talented with that stuff."
"In a peculiar way, your friend is telepathic. He has an intriguing mental ability that negates detection or being accessed entirely. He is invisible to Cerebro, me and Jean. I suspect your "Spidey sense" cannot detect him, either."
An invisibility cloak, but mentally. That's a fascinating concept. It's why Magneto and Juggernaut wear those stupid helmets.
It explains why Peter couldn't feel his friend. It is also why Klyntarus can't track him down so easily.
Unfortunately, this felt like a deliberate ability. Why would Klyntarus have a host when a telepath such as Xavier can free them from the mental shackles of Symbiote possession?
It's like everything was deliberate, and even still, Miguel used those powers against the one that gave them to him.
What was the purpose of his venom? The claws? The heightened senses? Why did he have so many medical problems?
Using his brain - horrifying - there was a possible reason.
Klyntarus made it so that Miguel was in pain without him. A horrific and disgusting possibility, but given how the Symbiote operated, it was likely. If Peter was a mega-evil pile of sentient snot, he might've done something similar.
Peter already respected his fellow spider, but to still refuse the Symbiote despite that only engorged that respect. It swelled like the feeling in his chest whenever he saw those eyes.
That posed another issue, however.
"I can't feel him at all - like a weird black spot - but the other day, Klyntarus triggered something. It was angry and feral, and he wasn't in control. I felt that. How can I feel that but not him?"
"Though I cannot read Miguel, I have felt what you're speaking of," Xavier said, confusing him. "It's quite evident that Klyntarus used his DNA in creating his "perfect host". That would make him part Symbiote."
Fuck. That made too much sense.
"And even the smallest part of a Symbiote is sentient," Peter sighed, pinching the bridge of his wonky nose. "It didn't behave like a Symbiote, though. It was so wild and, well, not in control."
"The piece within Miguel isn't conscious - it isn't alive, strictly speaking. It doesn't comprehend friend or foe, only threats to Miguel, which it doesn't distinguish itself from. You have been deemed not a threat."
When Miguel questioned how he didn't hurt Peter, that's what he meant. This freaky mode attacked everybody, following only instinct and the need to survive. In a way, that was the most terrifying of foes.
For whatever reason, it decided that Peter wasn't a threat.
Weirdly, it felt like a compliment.
"Why're you talking to me about this? Why not talk to Miguel about it?"
"There is a lot at stake, Peter. Many lives will be lost if we don't defeat this enemy. To trap this thing, we need... bait."
"No," Peter stated firmly, scowling. "You're not going to use Miguel as bait for that thing. Nobody is going to be bait."
"We use Miguel or the unnamed sphere. At least Miguel is capable of refusing Klyntarus."
"That's a shit plan. You don't trap something like that. You've got to burn him until there's nothing left."
"Peter, I understand that you've lost your friends to this entity-"
"He wants to hurt my best friend and my unborn baby! Now you want to take the primary victim of an abusive monster and dangle him like a carrot for a donkey! Doesn't that sound fucked up?"
"So does the death and destruction of an entire universe. Not only ours but many more afterwards. It's better than Logan's suggestion."
Peter didn't need to hear it. He already knew what Logan would've suggested.
"I'm not allowing that."
"I won't lie to you, Peter; it's not something I take lightly. You're a smart man. You've thought of it."
"No, actually, I haven't. I'm not a damn lunatic!" Peter shouted, standing in anger, the chair falling behind him. "You don't kill somebody for being the victim!"
"What suggestions do you have, then, Peter? We're empty of ideas. We've never faced something like this - it's a graver threat than anything ever known."
"That doesn't give you a get-out-of-jail-free card. I'm not surprised by Logan, but you, the smart one? I'm disappointed. You're supposed to help, not make things worse!"
"Worse for who, Peter? Because I know you aren't referring to us or even your unborn child," Xavier sighed, looking sorrowful.
"We'll make a different plan without using Miguel as bait or fucking killing him like damn cowards. It doesn't even make sense to think of that!"
"People can only take so much. If we don't defeat him, it's only a matter of time before Klyntarus succeeds."
"If there's one absolute certainty about spiders, we never give up, even when we're at our breaking point and desperately want to," Peter growled, hitting his hand on the desk, reducing it to splinters. "We're making a different plan, Professor, and that's the end, understand?"
Peter left the room, refusing to say more.
He went to the X-Men for help. They're supposed to help. He's not surprised by Logan, but Xavier? He's disappointed and disgusted.
They weren't helping. At best, they can keep MJ safe.
Peter won't sit idly by as someone tries to abuse somebody else. He keeps messing stuff up, but he's still going to try. He knew Miles would be heartbroken if Peter ever gave up, no matter how badly he wanted to.
He and Miguel can figure something out alone.
The man paused and glared at an open hallway, and Logan merely shrugged.
"I know you've got problems with it, Pete, but I doubt Taco Bell hater does."
"And you don't see an issue with that?"
"Of course. Look, I get that you like the guy - fuck knows why, he's an asshole - but we make sacrifices to save others. This isn't a loser with nothing better to do, Peter. That thing wants to down us like I do beer, and I'm a damn alcoholic."
"There are sacrifices, and then there's just plain wrong."
"You're feeling guilty. Personally? I believe you should, but logically? Not as much. How could you know the snot was an interdimensional super dickhead?"
He couldn't, and Peter knew that. It didn't matter, though. His Spidey senses were explicit and had never failed him before.
He didn't listen, and everyone was paying the price for it.
Peter still wasn't listening; Miguel didn't want them to go to the X-Men, and he was right not to.
Did he know what Logan suggested?
Did he know what Xavier wanted to do?
The worst part was that Miguel would go through with it.
Anything if it meant destroying the damned creature that created him in the first place.
Peter's not going to allow that.
Why didn't he listen?
Special thanks to spider-the-bat for the borders!
#ao3 refugee#ao3fic#across the spider verse#miguel o'hara#peter b parker#peter b parker x miguel o'hara#spiderdads#mj watson#bestie goals mj#x-men#marvel#with thunder comes lightning#plague of the spiderverse series
135 notes
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With Thunder Comes Lightning
Summery: Peter and MJ tried again, but the spark wasn't there; they stay as friends to raise their soon-to-be daughter. Everything was going great until evil goop and a spooky vampire guy fall out of an orange portal. Little does Peter know that the biggest pain in his ass and future mutant best friend has landed right at his feet.
Chapter 1 - Shockwave
Is it necessary for shopping to be so dull and miserable?
Seriously, there had to be a more fun way to get groceries than meandering around looking like a blind dog. What's the difference between an orange and clementine, anyway? They're both orange balls that taste nasty after you've brushed your teeth.
Peter understood why MJ couldn't go. She's heavily pregnant, after all. She couldn't waddle around like a mentally handicapped goose with a missing foot.
The issue was that MJ was so specific that he couldn't understand sometimes. How could he tell the difference between a regular banana and a foreign one grown on some random farm in nowhere-ville? No matter where it's grown, it's just an ugly phallus-shaped berry.
Also, why are pregnant cravings so weird? The idea of pickles makes Peter want to vomit, but combined with ice cream, the tears of god? Horrific!
As soon as the baby's born, they can return to - wait, what would they do? Neither was inclined to move out anywhere.
It took longer than preferred to realise the spark wasn't there. That fizzled out a while ago, maybe even before their divorce. That didn't mean they didn't care about each other, though. She's still important in his life but felt more like a close friend than his wife.
The feeling is, thankfully, mutual.
They would've broken up, moved out and stayed friends, but then MJ's pregnancy test returned positive. Even with both jobs, plus Peter's major unpaid one, it was hard to keep that house, let alone find a new one. The economy was in the toilet. Again.
A snail would be lucky to afford a shell at this rate. Even Peter's old place, as small and pathetic as it was, had been swooped up. There's nowhere affordable or available, so they agreed to live together and raise the baby as friendly roommates.
A tiny selfish part of him is sad about sex being off the table, but it's drowned out by the excitement and terror at being a father. He realised four months in that Miles was a teenager and this would be an infant - two separate things.
Can Peter do it? Raise a baby? Not only as a mentor but helping them walk, talk and wipe their baby booty. Every decision Peter made would impact that little life.
They didn't know what the gender was, so they drew straws - MJ picked the boy's name, and Peter got the girl's name. He chose May after his aunt, the closest mother figure he ever had. The birth giver didn't count.
He wasn't sure what he wanted, partly because he didn't have a choice but more because he didn't know what to expect. He saw videos of gender reveals, and aside from the ones that caused devastating wildfires, people tended to react badly. Some guys would break stuff in a rage over getting a girl.
Peter could be a girl's dad. He could sit down, paint nails, brush hair and play princess - Peter would be the best Princess! Snow White would be blushing with envy.
He's naturally witty and creative; he would keep up with their little games regardless of what they are. All he wants, honestly, is for them to be healthy and happy. Having Peter and MJ will be good, though he's sad they'll never meet May. She would've loved the tyke.
What will they look like? Will they be wonky and crooked like Peter or smooth and graceful like MJ? It's the luck of the draw with genetics. It's not like Peter could test for that thanks to his spider DNA - that would be more of a nightmare than sleepless nights.
Peter might be reaching his forties, but that's too soon to reveal he's Spiderman. It'll happen eventually; it's impossible to avoid. He'll choose, however. When his baby is grown and safe, he'll tell the world.
On his deathbed.
Surprise, this old dying bastard is Spiderman!
Oh, will the baby inherit any of his spider powers? That's something he never considered.
If there's any luck, which Peter severely lacked, then the baby won't do an exorcist and turn their head around while hanging on the ceiling.
Tingle tingly. Something spooky is afoot.
The older man glanced over his shoulder, trying to spot what triggered his Spidey sense. So far, it looked as mundane as usual. Nameless faces wandering around seeking produce and other artificially created crap, nothing suspicious.
The tingles never lie.
Peter heard someone scream from outside the store. Whatever the tingle was about, it probably originated from there.
After the situation in Miles' world, Peter started wearing his suit under regular clothes in case of this stuff. It shouldn't be easy to change, but with the people inside drawn to the screaming outside like moths to a flame, he threw off his dull clothes, ready to face whatever was happening.
Is it Goblin again? Rhino? Doctor Octopus? Maybe it's a new loser with nothing better to do. He hadn't seen Sauron, the dino scientist, in a while. He could get lucky and have somebody else's trash.
He liked Magneto. The guy was much easier to talk to than Scorpion. Most of the X-Men's villains are more open to communication. It could be one of the loonies like Taskmaster.
God forbid Deadpool or Moon Knight was running around New York again. He liked Wade in small doses, and it's hard to predict a person if they have three identities - you never know if it's Marc, Steven or Jake. Out of that trio, he liked Steven the most.
Spin the wheel of luck and villainy, great god of this confusing and scary universe!
Placing his shopping basket and list somewhere safe, Peter hopped over the aisles and through the doors. It's chaos outside, people yelling and running for their lives.
There's a freaky tear in the sky as if some cosmic cat had torn at the sofa lining of reality itself. It's glitching and leaking something, almost like it's bleeding. He got sucked through a portal once, but it didn't look so... septic. It's diseased and necrotic, and the air around it turned grey.
A bird flew close to it, freezing and falling instantly. Stay away from the spooky sky rip.
The hole shivered and widened almost like an eye, and two shapes fell out. The rift closed behind them, but Peter could still see a faint scar in the sky. Did Kingpin build another collider? Did the one in his universe do that? No, that was more like a Stark thing to do.
Maybe it's Doctor Strange. He's always messing with stuff that he shouldn't.
Peter swung towards the shapes, spotting them quickly.
One was so black that it absorbed all light, a writhing mass akin to a Symbiote but huge. It had red veins, almost like lightning, all over its body and a pair of viciously glowing vermillion eyes. It had a tail that twitched weakly on the melting road. Everything it touched started to decay.
The other was a Spiderman variant, already beginning to stand. He was a dark blue with red markings, ripped and tall. That guy is something new.
His spider-sense demanded he keep his distance, terrified of the black shape. Within a blink, the mass changed, spreading like a violent sea. It was roaring, crying in pain and anger and glee. Those red eyes were pulsating, swallowing the blue guy. However, Peter was unable to move.
Every cell in his body told him to flee, to get as far as possible from the Symbiote-like monster. It looked like Venom on roids!
A bulge grew within the living mound of angry flesh, soon bursting and revealing an outstretched hand covered in red and blue. There was something cylindrical and beeping.
The black mass seemed to realise as well, starting to disperse. However, the blue Spiderman threw something, causing a force field to form around them. It screeched, and then there was nothing, not a sound.
Peter jumped to the edge, waiting for a sign of something. His senses still told him to run, but someone needed help.
He looked for what created the barrier, quickly finding it. It's futuristic tech, but he figured it out. It took longer than he wanted to, but he's getting old; he's getting an elderly brain.
What's the age for dementia? Eh, it's not imperative.
The field disintegrated, vanishing into nothingness. There's black ooze and a cracked silver ball on the melting road. It looked dead, but he was still afraid of that stuff, whatever it was. He was worried the other guy had turned to ash before a hand tore through a charred car.
A Spiderman with talons? That's new.
The stranger pulled himself out of the car, looking intimidating and something out of Day of the Dead. He didn't get to take a step before collapsing off the roof, not moving.
Peter jumped to the guy's side, pulling him onto his back.
He could smell blood but couldn't see it. What is with the guy's suit?
"Neck," he heard; it was raspy and tired. "Nape."
Peter reached around the back of the guy's neck, feeling something that shouldn't be there. He pressed on it, and the suit vanished like a light was switched off.
How in the fuck was the man even alive? He had a gouge so deep in his abdomen that Peter could see past the fat and onto his bare intestines. Blood pooled under him, and burns covered what wasn't open or bruised.
"Burn it," the stranger spat, red trickling down his mouth. "Quémalo todo. Por favor, date prisa."
It would be great to know Spanish right now. What did he want to be burned? The guy's already flambéd.
His eyes are a beautiful red mixed with brown, the opposite of that monster's shade. He's pale from blood loss and is losing consciousness.
He can't let this guy die here.
It's not safe to take him to a hospital. He's not from their dimension; Nick Fury would pop his other eyeball out of his skull!
The only place that Peter could take him was the house where he could heal. He could already see it at work, and it was faster than Peter's healing factor; he's never seen it like that before.
"Burn it," the guy said before finally passing out.
"Come on, big guy. Let's fix you up."
Peter carefully lifted the man, well aware of their size difference. He heard a little whine of pain, which was an understatement for how fucked up he was.
What's with the funky watch?
It was hard to explain why he didn't return with groceries but brought a full-grown WWE candidate.
They used all the bandages in their first aid kids, even having to rip some of Peter's shirts to cover him up.
The regular healing was exhausting for Peter, so he couldn't imagine how much energy it'd take to recover from injuries that severe.
"So, he just fell out of a portal, like you did?" MJ questioned, rightfully confused and worried.
What's going to be the baby's future bedroom was occupied by their surprise guest. He's unconscious still, and he's a hunk of a man. What little skin that wasn't burnt, bleeding, or bruising was beautifully olive-toned and surprisingly smooth.
Those eyes lingered in Peter's mind. He hadn't seen eyes like that before, so fresh but burdened. The eyes of a Spiderman, but there's something different about that guy.
"Yeah. Unlike how I was, he's not glitching all over the place, which is a small mercy. Don't know how to get him home, though, wherever that is."
Having two spiders in New York would be helpful, but the new guy belongs in his dimension. He had a home somewhere else and probably a family as well.
"Maybe he could tell us who the other one was. The one he wanted to burn."
"I don't get it. It's all he'd say. "Burn it". It's so weird, MJ - whatever went near the sludge just died, but he was swallowed by it and came out... well, not fine, but alive."
"Must be a Spider thing. Or because it's from his dimension."
"Yeah, probably. I just have a bad feeling about that stuff. It was dead, but damn, it made my senses go wild. If I tingled anymore, I'd be vibrating."
"Peter, I hate it when you call it a "tingle". It makes me cringe."
"I like calling it a tingle! It's tingling. Like a good version of pins and needles."
"There are no good pins and needles."
"Eh, bad example."
The tingles are good! They keep Peter alive, and he can help people with them.
Oddly, they don't go off regarding the new guy. With the others, he connected to them; maybe with this guy, it cancels each other out? That would be freaky.
It would mean Peter couldn't know if their unexpected guest needed help since he clearly couldn't ask for it. It's about time he checked on the blue spider, whoever he is.
Gwen and Miles were proof that not all Spidermen had the name of Parker. It was weird to see Gwen, honestly. She and her father already died in his dimension; he cradled both their bodies.
Peter Porker made eating sausages and bacon incredibly awkward now. He also couldn't see a Rubik's Cube and not imagine Noir getting confused by it.
He missed them, honestly. It was nice to feel like Peter wasn't alone; there were more like him.
And speaking of honesty, Peter was tempted to stay in Miles' universe. Even though his molecules would've broken apart eventually, it felt like a second chance at life. He could've even retired and tried living a peaceful life.
It was a selfish desire, born partly out of fear and depression. He's glad he didn't, even though he missed that kid; Miles was what finally got Peter to face his fear of fatherhood.
Though it's hard to say when Peter will be ready, he looks forward to meeting this new life. He hoped to raise them to be like Miles; that kid was an excellent role model.
Intelligent, spunky, had the Spider attitude, curious and courageous. He learned to control his camouflage and shock powers pretty quickly.
Peter crept to the spare room; before they discovered MJ's pregnancy, it was where Peter kept his spider stuff.
In a roundabout way, it's storing spider stuff again.
Super tall and buff spider stuff with pretty reddish-brown eyes.
Huh. He'd never thought so much about a guy's eyes like that before.
Shaking that off, Peter opened the door.
The sound alerted the new guy, and red eyes snapped to Peter's location, pupils pinpricked and locking onto him. He could almost see the redness grow in vibrancy. Does he have mood stone eyes?
There was a brief grumble of annoyance and probably pain; the man's stomach was bare to the world barely half an hour ago. Even so, the individual pushed himself to sit up, though not by much. He growled, holding his abdomen.
"Maravilloso," the stranger growled, his voice strained and exhausted. He rubbed his forehead, likely stuck with a concussion. "¿Dónde estoy?"
A curious thing was how he avoided the sunlight peaking through the curtains. It must be the concussion.
"Sorry, big man, I don't speak any Spanish."
Peter got a towel from the bathroom and hung it over the curtain railing, shielding away most of the light. It instantly put the new guy at ease, his eyes dilating to regular size.
"Where are we?" the stranger reiterated, sounding tired.
He couldn't blame him. The guy survived a close contact bomb and whatever that corrosive goop was.
"Me and MJ's place," Peter answered, wondering why his spidery sense wasn't active around the newbie. "You're looking better than before; that's not saying much since I saw your guts. You got banged up pretty badly out there." Super understatement. "I'm Peter, by the way."
"I know."
Maybe Peter left some of his stuff here, or there was a Peter Parker in that guy's universe. It's entirely possible.
"Great. What's your name?"
Oh, so they're playing that game?
"Well, Mister Classified, you need to eat something. It always helped boost my factor. What's your fancy?"
Mister Classified tried to get up, only to fail. He hissed, gripping his side, scowling at the offending location.
Peter tended to be stubborn when hurt as well. He always tried to put on a brave face and keep going, but that did him no favours. He's close to his forties, and the years weren't kind on his ageing bones. What Mister Classified needed was rest, water, morphine and food.
Running around wasn't going to help.
"Where is it?" Mister Classified grunted, loosening his grip a little. He had a good poker face; Peter would sob like a newborn. "His ash."
"Whose?" Peter inquired, confused.
"Klyntarus. The Symbiote. I told you to burn him."
Klyntar was the planet where the Symbiotes came from. It's super pretentious to name yourself after your home planet.
No human is running around named Earthus! Though there are a few called Gaia.
Peter's lack of an answer was all Mister Classified needed. There were many emotions - anger, hate, fear, regret, grief, back to anger and more fear.
Ignoring Peter, he touched the back of his neck, that suit returning and covering his entirety. He used the wall to stand, his fingers digging through the drywall. When it looked like he was going to collapse again, Peter tried to help, but he swiped Peter's hands away.
"Estúpido bastardo inútil," Mister Classified seethed, scowling through his mask. "It took me ten years to get him cornered!" He shouted, expressing his anger. "Thanks to you, he's still alive!"
A whole decade? Damn, that's some commitment.
Peter's always been good at guessing people's age. It's a sixth, or seventh, sense of his. While the man looked Peter's age, his gut told him the guy was twenty-seven, a full eleven years younger than Peter.
From the numbers, he's been fighting that nemesis slime since he was seventeen or eighteen, perhaps even longer.
He never intended to survive that bomb, did he? Mister Classified, whoever he was, was willing to die if it meant defeating Klyntarus.
And Peter let it go.
Ten years down the drain.
"Symbiotes need a host to function. He didn't have one. How did he, well, operate?"
"The sphere stabilises him. It needs lifeforce to power it. He's out there, consuming people and endangering your entire universe... He's shocking cancer."
He let that go.
"We'll take care of it; two's better than one, after all," Peter smiled, wanting to make up for his mistake. "That ball thing was pretty damaged, so he's still weak. We can get him."
Since his tingles won't go off, Peter was vigilant. He could see Mister Classified was shaking, his legs wanting to give out.
Peter could be stubborn too.
He ignored the light shove from the stranger, using his spider strength to push him back onto the mattress.
"You can't get him if you can't even stand, Mister Classified. I'll ask again, what do you want to eat? It'll make you heal faster."
Even though his healing is already faster than Peter's.
He pressed the metal bud on the guy's spine, the suit disappearing. A layer of sweat made his olive skin glisten, almost glowing. He'll need a good sleep after eating something.
"My name," Miguel said, something sharp poking over his bottom lip. "Miguel O'Hara."
"Much better than Mister Classified. How about a coffee?"
It felt weird to suggest that.
"No way, seriously?"
"Have a lot of them."
Who can survive without the grace of god that was coffee? It kept Peter from falling into a coma.
"Is McDonald's on the list?"
Miguel was pondering, listing things mentally.
"McDonald's it is!"
They're getting somewhere. Brilliant.
It's gross and greasy, but something about it was horrifically addictive and satisfying. When in doubt, go to the Donald.
MJ always loved her chicken nuggets. She was like a hamster with their babies with her nugs. It was always hilarious to him.
It was impressive how MJ could down twenty nuggets in mere minutes.
"How're you feeling?" she asked, wiping away some ketchup.
"Not great," Peter admitted, glancing across the hall. "Wished I listened. Never been great at that."
"He would've died if you didn't, darling. You did what you do best; you saved someone."
She always knew what to say, even though it didn't fit here.
He knows what that thing will do if Peter doesn't catch it. It's a threat to everything Peter holds dear.
MJ was right, though - Miguel would've bled out if Peter didn't grab him.
Have there been villains that Peter was willing to die to defeat? He wasn't sure.
"We don't have any shirts that fit him," MJ sighed, popping another nugget in her mouth. "I doubt even your slacks would fit him, too."
"Maybe it's an allergy thing? He mentioned having a bunch of allergies; the guy can't even drink coffee."
"Poor bastard."
"I know! I wouldn't be alive without those brown steamed bean water tears of god."
"Always a poet when it comes to food, Peter."
"It's why you love me."
"For sure."
He's an excellent foodie.
He'll need Miguel's size to get him something that wasn't a spooky Halloween hologram. That would draw too much attention. They needed to go covert to scout out possible locations.
Sounds like a shopping trip. He can pick up those groceries he planned on getting before meeting his new buddy.
"Well, we have been needing to get some baby stuff. How about it, MJ? Wanna go shopping for an interdimensional vagabond?"
"I'll need measurements. Also, I want a Starbucks."
"Whatever you and the little munchkin need. It'll be funny explaining stuff - like in Miles' universe, right? They didn't even have FedEx! It was called RedEx. And Coca-Cola is Cola Soda!"
"You're easily impressed."
Peter nearly jumped out of his skin. He didn't hear or feel anything, but there Miguel was, using the doorway as support.
God damn, is that man tall.
MJ was thinking something similar, looking him up and down.
Like before, he was covering himself with his holographic suit. He still looked like crap, but not as bad as some hours ago.
"I told you eating would make you feel better," Peter grinned, happy that he looked better. Still, he should be resting, not moving around. "Miguel, this is MJ. She's the boss of the house."
"Damn straight."
"Obviamente," he grumbled. Peter suspected that he was being insulted somehow. "Parker, how many heroes are active in your universe?"
"Not sure. I mean, there's the Avengers, X-Men -"
"That's plenty. He'll be busy feeding off them for now. That gives us time before he's strong enough for us."
Though Peter didn't get on with all heroes, he was friends with many of them. Despite being kicked out of Wolverine's poker night, he still hung out with the short savage. Though cold, Black Widow was nice, too.
Peter didn't want all of them to die.
"Could we at least warn them about him?" Peter tried, worried for them.
"You'll only speed up the process. He's killed you enough times to think you aren't a threat. That's our best chance for now."
So, that's how he knew about Peter. He's seen Peter die before.
Miguel knew Klyntarus the best; he understood how he would operate and who he'd attack first.
It's strategic - remove any potential ally to your nemesis. Consuming those with abilities must give him a boost, too.
As Miguel said, he's cancer.
"How many times has he killed Peter?" MJ asked, worried.
"From what I know, twenty-three times within the past eight months. Not all universes have a Peter Parker, though, as he's seen."
More than twenty-three Spider-people. That's so many. And, most likely, their universes were gone like them.
An unfathomable amount of people are dead due to a single creature.
He let that go.
MJ used her foot to push open a chair, encouraging their surprise guest to sit with them. He stared at the invitation, perplexed, awkwardly standing there.
"Come sit with us," MJ suggested, visibly curious. Was that not an obvious thing in his universe? Then again, Noir never understood what a TV was. "You're staying with us until we figure out how to get you home."
"This can take me back," Miguel said, showing the damaged watch. "After I've repaired it, of course. Fortunately, the damage wasn't enough to disrupt the stabilising process - it'll stop me from "glitching"."
"Did you make that?" Peter asked, now very interested in the device. "Could've used that in Miles' universe. Glitching is not fun, I assure you."
"It only started working eight months ago. It'll make a secure portal to any universe logged on it. It'll be a coño to fix; the technology in your universe is... older than mine."
"Eh, we can borrow some of Stark's crap. He doesn't use half of it."
"Stark. That's the rich narcissist with a superiority complex. Right?" Miguel inquired, lucky to lack an Iron Man.
"Basically, yeah. How are you with stealth?"
It's hard to imagine him being stealthy, but Peter hasn't seen him in action.
It is creepy to almost watch the bruise over Miguel's eye heal. It was eerily fast, and it made him uncomfortable.
"You didn't hear me when I came to the kitchen. That should be your answer."
That's fair.
Hopefully, while they're out getting this guy an actual shirt, they'll hear about the evil sludge.
"By the way, we're going to go shopping to get you clothes that aren't giving villain vibes," Peter stated.
It was a little funny seeing that statement process in Miguel's deep, oddly coloured eyes. He was squinting a little, so the concussion must still irritate him. He can borrow Peter's sunglasses.
It'll be a shame not to see those eyes, though. Something about the colour was magnetising. Not many people had red eyes, and he had claws; he was even more unique than Porker!
"I don't need it."
"And that suit isn't going to draw unwanted attention?" MJ countered. "Nobody will understand why there are two Spidermen, much less one that looks like another Venom."
That weirdly seemed to hurt their new comrade. Something about that comment wounded him personally. Did he have a previous interaction with a Venom variant?
Maybe it's because Klyntarus is a Symbiote; he didn't want to be compared to that.
"We should go before everything closes. That'll be a pain, huh?" Peter huffed, getting out of the chair. "Come on, big guy. Time to measure you."
"Not necessary. I'll get it myself."
"With what money?" MJ inquired, raising a red brow.
"From an unattended ATM," he answered coldly.
He said it as though it was the obvious answer. Why wouldn't your first thought go to theft?
"Miguel, you're not stealing money from people," Peter stated, though that didn't change Miguel's mind. "We'll get you a shirt, some pants and shoes."
"I'm not stealing from people; I'm stealing from the bank. Es completamente diferente."
"Take Stark's money. It's not like he'll miss a few grand," MJ suggested, which wasn't helping. "I'm compromising," she shrugged.
"Can you even get into Stark's accounts?" Peter asked, admittedly curious.
"Easily. It's not the first time I've done it. Won't be the last."
Although Peter is tech-savvy, he wasn't able to get that far. Although Stark was a hero, he was a bit up his ass. It might be good to be knocked down a peg or two.
He'd be more hurt that his security failed than losing a grand or two.
It barely took Miguel five minutes to get through Tony's security. Honestly, Peter was impressed.
Although Peter didn't like the idea of stealing, they didn't have much money. It would be hard to feed three mouths, one mostly needing milk. They never had any plans for a giant man to join them.
Peter was at eye level with Miguel's chest; the man was almost a foot taller than him.
He has an impressive chest, too.
"So, do you have a new york as well?" MJ asked, trying to keep the mood up. He was still hurt, but at least he could walk without Peter's support.
"Nueva York," Miguel answered gruffly, and Peter could almost feel his eyes glaring behind those sunglasses. "It's... going through some changes."
"Yeah, we're finally getting some potholes fixed," Peter shrugged, unsure what Miguel could mean. "What villains do you have?"
"Dead ones."
From how Miguel said it, it implied he killed his villains. It's possible not all Spider-people had a no-kill rule. That might be a problem that Peter will need to discuss.
Hopefully, none of Peter's regulars decided to test that implication.
"Miguel, can I ask how you know this guy?" MJ asked, wincing when she saw the taller man cringe. She put a hand over her abdomen, soothing herself. "It's a long story, isn't it?"
"Very," he answered, sounding less annoyed and more burdened by it. "He's why I'm a Spiderman, I guess. Él me creó."
Peter needs to get a translator or something and stat.
Finally, they reached the store where they knew they had big enough sizes for their unexpected guest. So far, it hasn't been all that bad, though Peter was worried about Klyntarus. As Miguel said, he's out there, consuming people to get stronger.
It felt stupid that they were getting clothes, but it drew less attention than the suit. Besides, he could summon it to cover his clothes; he wouldn't be naked.
Peter saw more of the man than he wanted to, but Miguel didn't seem to care. It's possible nudity doesn't mean anything in Nueva York.
It'll be cool to see him in action, though. He's been a spider for ten-odd years; he must've picked up some things.
How did he get the claws in his suit?
Peter wanted those!
"What is it, big man?"
"To the left."
As advised, Peter looked left. Behind the counter was a TV, which was usually for CCTV.
However, it showed a news anchor looking quite sullum and sad, a slight redness to his eyes.
"Uh, hey, can you turn that up?" asked another customer.
The look on Miguel's face told Peter enough. Whatever happened was Klyntarus' doing.
"- We lost five great heroes in their effort to protect us, the people. They will forever be remembered for their sacrifices and tremendous bravery, even in the face of such evil. We say our sorrowful goodbyes to She-Hulk, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Daredevil. Out of respect for their selfless endeavour to keep us safe, we won't reveal their identities. To their families, we, the people, are both grateful and sorry for your loss."
No. No, they couldn't be dead.
Peter would hang out with Matt and Carl all the time. Although Jessica and Danny weren't friendly, he got along with them great!
Regretfully, he didn't see Jennifer much, but her cousin, Bruce, was a great guy. He must be devastated to have lost her like that.
Carl and Jess' poor daughter...
"Five hours, five heroes. He's more wounded than I anticipated," Miguel said coldly, either unphased or excellent at hiding his emotions.
Miguel expected this, however. He knew that heroes were going to die.
This was Peter's fault.
"Peter," MJ whispered, holding his arm. She knew how close he was to Daredevil and Cage. They were good guys, better than him. They would've listened. "I'm sorry."
"So am I," he said, feeling numb and angry. "Let's just get this over with so we can catch him. We're going out tonight."
"He can't hide his scars. It'll be easier to spot him at night," Miguel concurred, but it didn't alleviate the growing pit in Peter's stomach.
What the hell has he left rampant in his world?
Special thanks to spider-the-bat for the borders!
#ao3 might be fucked#ao3 refugee#ao3#ao3fic#across the spider verse#miguel o'hara#peter b parker x miguel o'hara#peter b parker#marvel#mj watson#mayday isn't born yet#spiderman atsv#spiderdads#bestie goals mj#oscar isaac is miguel o'hara#with thunder comes lightning#plague of the spiderverse series
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